What film did you watch last night?

Donkey Punch.
Just watched this on 444, ******* Awesome film. It just has to be watched so I won't spoil it for you all. :)
The Magician

Described as 'Lyon' meets 'Chopper', it is a documentary type film following an Australian hitman as he goes about his business. To say any more would spoil the development of the plot and characters. Definitely recommended.

Con Air - AGAIN!

"whats wrong with him? My first thought would me.......alive"

Amusing 1 liners in this film


Hate to ruin that quote for you but he says "a lot", not alive.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man 10/10

Oh lord, after over a decade of video game violence, Saw movies and reading The Shining and The Exorcist back to back I didn't think it would be possible for me to be mentally traumatized by any form of media.

I was wrong.

Black and White Japanese horror concerning a "Metal Fetishist" (shoves metal into self inflicted wounds for kicks) who is killed in a car accident, the driver dumps the body but is then haunted by the reanimated fetishist, the "haunting" consists if the drivers (and his cat....) transformation into an "iron man", but more "jumped into a scrap yard in a magnetic dressing gown" than Robert Downy.

Two of the more...stomach churning scenes being one where the man's penis turns into a power drill which he then precedes to kill his girlfriend with and another where the fetishist turns his cat into a metal...thing, it's hard to explain and honestly to think about.

The movie itself is genius, it's more like watching the demented dreams of a Japanese scrap yard worker on DMT than an actual film, I give it 10/10 purely for it's complete and utter insanity. It's not a very nice movie all told.

Mr. Sardonicus

Not much to say about it really, a brilliantly dark story about a man who when digging up the body of his father to claim the winning lotto ticket he was buried with develops a constant horrifying grin, after years of desperation and going steadily more and more insane, he sends for a doctor who has had major breakthroughs in paralysis.

It's black and white, very dated, but films of this age and style are an absolute pleasure to watch every now and then, the experience of watching them is so different to watching some new Hollywood blockbuster that I appreciate them in a way more like reading a good book than watching a film.
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Hate to ruin that quote for you but he says "a lot", not alive.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man 10/10

Oh lord, after over a decade of video game violence, Saw movies and reading The Shining and The Exorcist back to back I didn't think it would be possible for me to be mentally traumatized by any form of media.

I was wrong.

Black and White Japanese horror concerning a "Metal Fetishist" (shoves metal into self inflicted wounds for kicks) who is killed in a car accident, the driver dumps the body but is then haunted by the reanimated fetishist, the "haunting" consists if the drivers (and his cat....) transformation into an "iron man", but more "jumped into a scrap yard in a magnetic dressing gown" than Robert Downy.

Two of the more...stomach churning scenes being one where the man's penis turns into a power drill which he then precedes to kill his girlfriend with and another where the fetishist turns his cat into a metal...thing, it's hard to explain and honestly to think about.

The movie itself is genius, it's more like watching the demented dreams of a Japanese scrap yard worker on DMT than an actual film, I give it 10/10 purely for it's complete and utter insanity. It's not a very nice movie all told.

Mr. Sardonicus

Not much to say about it really, a brilliantly dark story about a man who when digging up the body of his father to claim the winning lotto ticket he was buried with develops a constant horrifying grin, after years of desperation and going steadily more and more insane, he sends for a doctor who has had major breakthroughs in paralysis.

It's black and white, very dated, but films of this age and style are an absolute pleasure to watch every now and then, the experience of watching them is so different to watching some new Hollywood blockbuster that I appreciate them in a way more like reading a good book than watching a film.

Meh im knocking a point off then for the silly accent :(

Brilliant. One beautifully shot film imo. Director is a genius with the camera.
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Streetfighter (1994 version)

I have no idea why I decided to watch this again, it was as bad now as it was when it first came out :p
The Heavy http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0473364/

Pretty bad movie in all honesty.

Stephen Rea was the only saving grace, his character (Anawalt) was great, Gary Stretch (Ex boxer) was pretty bad and Vinnie Jones was chronically over acting his part as per usual.

Could have been a half decent film especially given some other members of the cast (Christopher Lee, Stephen Rea, Shannyn Sossamon and jean marsh)

The haunting of Connecticut - Some jumpy bits, pretty average film but a bit freaky.

Punisher: War Zone - Good, mindless fun. Could probably have done with some more killing in the middle though where it gets a bit dull.
State of Play. Helen Mirren stars in this wacky satire about an English newspaper editor in Washington.

Watch out for Neville Gorman's amusing performance as "Man with Coffee" in the motel room scene.

Ne Te Retourne Pas. In which we discover that Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci may or may not be the same person. It's all a bit odd, really.

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