What film did you watch last night?

Cloud Atlas 7.5/10

This I found to be a very understated/rated film, all star cast and a very clever story line, well worth a view if you like to go on a mild acid trip :p
I liked Cloud Atlas too. It probably is a marmite film, but I found it to be thought provoking; unlike their most recent film, Jupiter Ascending, which I thought was terrible. I love sci-fi, it's my favourite genre and I'm a sucker for some sci-fi films that others find rubbish. Jupiter Ascending though, even for me, was just ****.

The Wachowski's have some good ideas and eye for visual flair, but they really do need help when it comes to turning their ideas in films.
After your review of begin again i thought 'yeah i will check it out' then realised it had corden in it and didnt bother. I know its almost irrational but some people really just put me off of movies. He is one, Simon Pegg is another.

I do know what you mean.

I wasn't aware that he was in it, until seeing him in the first scene. To be fair he wasn't too bad, he/it could have been a lot worse.
A fistful of Dollars (1964) 7.5/10

Despite all the mistakes and bad effects, this is still a great movie. Clint had great screen presence and made it all seem real.

Will be watching For a Few Dollars more next in my build up to another watching of Th Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Different strokes and all that :)

I can see it being a bit marmite, but the concept, cast and script were very compelling and I definitely enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed it as well, though it made more sense the second time I watched it and had the subtitles on, but that's mainly due to my dodgy hearing :D
Fire City: End Of Days.

Wow, very different... don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Basically a low budget film noir with demons living among us and feeding off of our misery, yet with a curiously interesting story, decent acting and makeup. I really recommend watching it if nothing else is on and you like fantasy stuff. It's decent for what it is, even if it slightly goes away at the end.

The Impossible - 2/5

Bog standard disaster movie with some great special effects and an outstanding performance from Tom Holland but an instantly forgettable story.

Shutter Island - 2/5

Never watched this before so didn't know what to expect but I found it very slow going until the inevitable plot twist near the end which I had guessed would come about halfway through the film.
Dirty Grandad - It did make me laugh every now & again but I wouldn't pay owt to see it just wait for it to come on TV.
captain america 5/10 only really enjoyed the scenes with spidey.

demolition 3/10 like jake gyllenhaal but this film was just bad.
Cloud Atlas 7.5/10

This I found to be a very understated/rated film, all star cast and a very clever story line, well worth a view if you like to go on a mild acid trip :p

One of my favourite films. I love the music in it and the book was pretty damn good too.

Our Kind of Traitor - 7/10

Quite a slow film, not bad at all though.
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