What film did you watch last night?

10 Cloverfield Lane 7/10

Well acted by Goodman and the lass is top notch. Some good tense moments and I thought the ending wasn't too bad in contrast to what others have said. Looking forward to more cloverfield films to expand on the whole story. I love how the viewer is only being drip fed nuggets of information about the whole events taking place.

Next up, The Revenant.
10 Cloverfield Lane

It had its moments but it all went very predictable guff unfortunately. Was hoping for something different instead. 6/10

Batman v Superman

Mildly enjoyable brain dead guff 6.5/10 Though felt like a superman film with batman as the sideshow...hardly any establishing of the Batman legend. I dont think all the bits and pieces really worked to be honest but if you dont think at all it will get you through it with some entertaining action scenes.


Hrmm Ryan Reynolds is very good in this role but i just felt it wasnt in the same league as other Marvel films in terms of epicness and end of the world type disasters etc etc. It felt more suited to tv ala Daredevil. He's hardly fighting uber supervillians is he...(deadpool i mean) Excellent combat choreography. Amusing jokes. low 7/10 (it got a +1 for breaking the 4th wall and for just being Deadpool)

edit: i find myself comparing it to the first THOR film..both origin stories and i find myself liking THOR more unfortunately.

No Escape

Pretty good film. Somewhat predictable but entertaining and suspenseful 7.1/10
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Shutter Island - 2/5

Never watched this before so didn't know what to expect but I found it very slow going until the inevitable plot twist near the end which I had guessed would come about halfway through the film.

It is a slow burner which is what i love about it. The atmosphere is amazing...really draws you in. The menacing feel about the place lingers over everything. I think this film has lots of layers. Sure the twist is hardly difficult to see but then there aren't many twists in films that are. I love rewatching this film...really take you into the mental state of Di Caprio's character. Has similarities with Inception (another great film with Di Caprio in the lead).

Hrmm Ryan Reynolds is very good in this role but i just felt it wasnt in the same league as other Marvel films in terms of epicness and end of the world type disasters etc etc. It felt more suited to tv ala Daredevil. He's hardly fighting uber supervillians is he...(deadpool i mean) Excellent combat choreography. Amusing jokes. low 7/10 (it got a +1 for breaking the 4th wall and for just being Deadpool)

That's the thing that ruins superhero films for me. They rely on that story line far too much and it happens in every single film. Deadpool was a refreshing change.
The Revenant. 7.5/10

Started off brilliantly and then I thought it dragged on a bit. Not sure how Di Caprio won an oscar for it. The bear scene was great and Tom Hardy's character reminded me of Tom Berenger in Platoon.

Not sure what film to watch next now
Captain America: The First Avenger

Somehow I missed out on this in 2011 despite watching most of the Marvel films at some point. A good bit of entertainment. 7/10.
These two are comic book movies and will be graded as such (ie, brain switched off)

Captain America: Civil War 8/10

Really enjoyed this movie, plenty of action but unlike most comic book movies, this one didn't end up in a non stop CGI fest attacking New York. Quite refreshing!

Batman vs Superman 3/10

What a pile of donkey guff! Poorly filmed, poorly directed, plot was all over the place. The only reason it didn't get a zero was because I thought Ben Affleck did a decent job and the tasty brunette. That's scraping the barrel though.

They are desperate to have the same success as Marvel, but are failing in epic style.
Money Monster (2016) 7/10

I was genuinely looking forward to watching this after seeing the trailer some time ago. The film started REALLY well, it had a great start and a great middle.

The ending of the film though fell a little flat after all of the build up.

I could not understand the motivation either for the CCO doing a turncoat on her boss, it did not make sense to me at all
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Enjoyed it. Watched it because I want to see Nice Guys next week (I think), not that they're related apart from Shane Black. Oh, and Michelle Monaghan... yummy ;)

A decent 7/10.
Eye in the Sky

It's a highly rated film for very good reasons. Great acting from all the cast and a truly suspenseful storyline that had me biting my nails and on the edge on my seat for much of the film. 9.5/10
I Am Wrath

Quite enjoyed it even if it did pretty much run the standard revenge format a la John Wick, Taken, etc.

Re DeadPool, I'm normally not that much into the superhero/comic book thing as it pretty much seems to be taking over cinema and TV at present. However the style was a refreshing change, loads of black humour, not afraid to ramp up the swearing plus some "adult" entertainment and of course OTT violent. Even the opening titles set the mood. Reminded me a bit of Kickass (the original). Thoroughly recommend - especially if you can watch the 4k/UHD version.
Sinister 2...starts off too quickly, messy, disjointed, bored me to the point of going to sleep. Will finish it tonight but currently 4/10

So finished it, really underwhelmed. Then again when I think back, I thought the first one was nothing special, unsure why I expected this to be any good :confused:
That's the thing that ruins superhero films for me. They rely on that story line far too much and it happens in every single film. Deadpool was a refreshing change.

Hrmm. Unfortunately the first major confrontation was (the clip in the trailers) actually the end fight scene. I think the sequel should be much more diverse and varied storyline-wise (cable timetravelling etc). For me you cant have a superhero film without a supervillian of sorts to oppose them. I mean if you think about it what happens in these superhero films if there is no overarching enemy who is there or arises?

Ajax comic book bio and story is much more interesting than the Ajax who is the villain in the film. e.g. why they left this bit out it would have created more of a connection to the audience and other characters in the film for DP

After endless taunting from Wilson, Francis was given permission by Killebrew to kill him. Francis orchestrated events so that Wilson would perform a mercy killing on another inmate,
or did that happen and ive just forgotten lol :o
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