What film did you watch last night?

Withnail & I - 8/10

What a hilarious film that was!!! I can see why it's a cult classic.

After never hearing about this film I watched it recently when my friend said it was his favourite film of all time. I thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Must be a real marmite film.
After never hearing about this film I watched it recently when my friend said it was his favourite film of all time. I thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Must be a real marmite film.

Apart from the bit with Uncle Monty I didn't find it anything special either. It was ok, but I wouldn't watch it again.
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Over the weekend courtesy of Netflix I watched: -

Lone Survivor - 8/10

Interesting film based on true events. Certainly not going to be a classic, but an enlightening watch.

Begin Again - 7.5/10

A feel good film staring the very delectable Keira Knightley, and if it wasn't for her lead role in it I don't think I would have a second glance. As it turns out I'm glad I did, an enjoyable film.
Captain America: Civil War.

The movie was alright, I don't think having the whole story unfold and be wrapped in one movie was the best idea. Maybe they should have made this the 2 parter and had a couple of other marvel movies in between the start and the conclusion then left Infinity war as the one movie.

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The other week i bought and watched the new star wars film and i wasn't disappointed. Captured the feel of the original three and i giggled like a schoolgirl with sheer delight through the whole thing :D
Suite Francaise.

Principles are compromised as romance blossoms amid the gunshots in Nazi occupied France.

Parental advisory: contains full frontal Nazi nudity.

I found it a bit dull, but the Mrs enjoyed it. It gets a forgettable/10 from me.
After never hearing about this film I watched it recently when my friend said it was his favourite film of all time. I thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Must be a real marmite film.

My sentiments exactly. I thought the film was a load of ****, but some people swear that it is a masterpiece.

I have the same thoughts about Bladerunner as well( sci fi is also a genre I love). I have persevered with the film as well watching it three of four times (multiple edits and versions etc), I just dont enjoy it.
The Gift - 7.5/10 - Needed a better resolution in my opinion
Song of the Sea - 9/10 - Lovely film, weak middle, but strong finish. Definitely resonates more if you are a parent.
Amy (Story about Amy Winehouse) A great watch ! Amazing how much booze and drugs she managed to pack into that slight frame of hers. Amazing singer. Ugly and attractive both at the same time? Sometimes she looked smokin' hot and others a trainwreck. Liked the fact that she wasn't all about the money and fame.

Shame she couldn't get a grip and sort out her addiction. 8/10
Over the weekend courtesy of Netflix I watched: -

Lone Survivor - 8/10

Interesting film based on true events. Certainly not going to be a classic, but an enlightening watch.

Begin Again - 7.5/10

A feel good film staring the very delectable Keira Knightley, and if it wasn't for her lead role in it I don't think I would have a second glance. As it turns out I'm glad I did, an enjoyable film.

After your review of begin again i thought 'yeah i will check it out' then realised it had corden in it and didnt bother. I know its almost irrational but some people really just put me off of movies. He is one, Simon Pegg is another.
Amy (Story about Amy Winehouse) A great watch ! Amazing how much booze and drugs she managed to pack into that slight frame of hers. Amazing singer. Ugly and attractive both at the same time? Sometimes she looked smokin' hot and others a trainwreck. Liked the fact that she wasn't all about the money and fame.

Shame she couldn't get a grip and sort out her addiction. 8/10

Sounds like you missed the point.

Obviously with the little one and never thought I'd like this Disney movie, have to say I really enjoyed it! 8/10

The Good Dinosaur -
Again, really enjoyed this movie. Something makes watching kids movies with your own little one just that much more special! 7/10
The Good Dinosaur -
Again, really enjoyed this movie. Something makes watching kids movies with your own little one just that much more special! 7/10

Both my girlfriend and I thought that whilst nice it was another lion king in many ways.
She wasn't in an environment that enabled her to kick her habit and was surrounded by people intent on keeping her making music and - more importantly - money regardless of the cost to her.

Still don't get your point? Every celebrity deals with that. People wanting to make money off their fame. Her situation was worse in that her old man, buggered off when she was a kid, having an affair, then shows back up once she was famous. I think this showed a perfect example of failed parenting from both the mother and father, and how it can affect Children. The drugs she enjoyed it, knew it was possibly going to kill her. Had been warned, and did halfheartedly stop for moments of her life, and even said, great but its just not as fun. She was simply an addict with mental issues. Once the paparazzi followed her every move, it was game over.. No saving her at all.
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