Risen. Kind of interesting even if you don't buy into the Christ-Myth or like me a bit of an agnostic. Kind of a CSI-AD0033 told from the Roman POV who were trying to get to the bottom of why and how his body had vanished.
Quite slow paced in places and nowhere near as brutal as Passion, nevertheless a very down to earth view of the place and period. Reading between the lines (perhaps a bit too much) very much some ambiguous implications vis. the closely bonded male group, just how much "love" was actually going on. The appearance and disappearance of the risen Christ kind of made me think - holographic projection and of course the Ascension, which had more than a nod to alien abduction or a UFO taking off.
The other food for thought was the "Peace, Love, Dope" (well maybe not the last bit) message projected by whoever this person was, just a few centuries later and for 100's of years thereafter was corrupted into summary burnings for witchcraft or heresy, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the well funded closely guarded upper echelons of the Catholic Church. Not to mention two millennia of war and slaughter generally throughout the wider world. Yet not once has anyone come back to say, "Hoy, you really pee'ed it up the wall, stop!" Ergo, the agnostic.