What film did you watch last night?

Warcraft 6/10 (as a player)
It was alright, would probably knock off 1 point if I wasn't a player. Effects were very good, especially the magic effects I thought.

i just got back from watching it in 3d and i'd rate it an 8 and i'm not a player or watched any trailers ect before i went in and i can't wait for the next one
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Absolutely nailed that review.

I could not wait for it to end. The moment where they decided to turn round and go back was a particular low-point, I should have turned it off there and then really.

The girls were the only redeeming feature of this stinking pile of faeces.

Glad I'm not the only one that thought it was rubbish.
Also didnt really rate Mad Max, I did enjoy it but fail to see why some people rate it so highly. :p

I think its just Tom Hardy, appears that he can do no wrong however average a film he is in, plus the women like his beat up boxer/potato looks.

Mel Gibson still Mad Max for me.
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa - 1/5

Loved Knowing Me, Knowing You and I'm Alan Partridge and so wanted to love this but it sucked.

The only funny bit I remember is when he put on the music from Ski Sunday.

But yeah, when you compare it to, say, series one of I'm Alan Partridge, its just dire.
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Captain America: Civil War - 8/10 - Not a bad film but didn't feel like it lasted very long even for being just over 2 hours

Money Monster - 10/10 - Fantastic film and went from hating the intruder to feeling sorry for him, a superb film

Jungle Book - 9/10 - Absolutely loved it

X-Men: Apocolypse - 9/10 - Very enjoyable, and great seeing Jean in action
How do you rate the rest of the Alan Partridge ouevre?

Obviously as a movie it doesn't have the same punchy-ness of knowing me knowing you or the even better IMHO I'm Alan Partridge, which I'd rate as some of the finest British comedy TV ever, up there with faulty towers.

But as British Comedy movies go Alpha Papa stands on it's own two feet.
The Big Short - 8/10. I really wasn't sure about watching it but two friends were keen to so I reluctantly agreed, and I'm glad I did. I was expecting it to be a very dry, boring account of the financial crisis of 2007/08, but it was anything but. Very entertaining, funny but also depressing and sad. Steve Carrell in particular was superb.
How do you rate the rest of the Alan Partridge ouevre?

Taken in the context of all of the recent Partridge stuff, Alpha Papa fits in really well imo, though I admit it doesn't really hold up well on its own as a film. The character is still evolving, and going very strong with Mid Morning Matters and the occasional one off program, and imo the best thing they have ever done(yes, better than I'm Alan Partridge and On The Hour!) - I Partridge, We Need To Talk About Alan, the autobiography they released a few years back...The audiobook is basically an 8 hour long episode of I'm Alan Partridge chronicling his life! It is brilliant hearing him describe scenes that we actually know how they played out from his own warped pov! (his account of the meeting with Tony Hayers is hilarious)

Plus, Alpha papa has probably my new favourite Partridge line ever, which for some reason had me laughing like a lunatic - "they've blown me to bits Lynn!"
Independence Day: The Extended Cut.

Still is what it is, a damn good movie (if looking slightly aged now) to switch the brain off to and waste a couple of hours on totally unbelievable and way over the top action. You can tell it was made pre-9/11 too. 8/10
Watched 13 Hours last night and have to say I enjoyed it immensely!

Sure there is a lot of "American Cheese" here and there but on the whole a cracking film imo!

I thought John Krasinski was particularly good, especially considering I've only ever seen him in The Office!
Independence Day: The Extended Cut.

Still is what it is, a damn good movie (if looking slightly aged now) to switch the brain off to and waste a couple of hours on totally unbelievable and way over the top action. You can tell it was made pre-9/11 too. 8/10

Out of interest, does it have the scene that wasn't in the original, where they explain all human tech had been derived from the downed Roswell ship, and thus when the aliens turned up they had easy access to all our networks and shut everything down with the virus, as it was all based upon their tech?
Or was this scene still cut?
Old boy - wife picked this... Think she regretted it!
I enjoyed it... The ending though .

Guy gets locked in a room for 20 years before escaping and trying to find
out who wronged him. Pretty violent.
You get to see one of the Olsen twins in the buff
6/10 now 7/10 for that last bit.

It's on Netflix
Old boy - wife picked this... Think she regretted it!
I enjoyed it... The ending though ��.

Guy gets locked in a room for 20 years before escaping and trying to find
out who wronged him. Pretty violent.
You get to see one of the Olsen twins in the buff ��
6/10 now 7/10 for that last bit.

It's on Netflix

Obligatory "now watch the original" reply. :D

I liked the remake, thought it was really good and the choice of Brolin was spot on.
10 Cloverfield Lane

Nice film for 90%, but the ending was extremely tacked on full of various levels of B$ nonsense. Would have been better if it ended on a 'shock' rather than have that 10 minute long action sequence.

Still a decent and recommended film tho !!
The Brothers Grimsby

Not a good movie but certainly a funny one! Laughted from start to end, could just be my immature sense of humour but you like what you like!

7/10 from me.
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