What film did you watch last night?

Alice through the looking glass

"Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland and travels back in time to help the Mad Hatter"

Sacha Baron Cohen does show off his acting skills which are very good


Did not enjoy as much as Alice in Wonderland
Eye In The Sky

Good film about the difficulty in sanctioning a drone strike knowing there will be some collateral damage. If they don't strike, an imminent terrorist attack is likely.

Well acted and directed and if I'm not mistaken, the man on the ground who tries to buy the little girls bread is the same actor who debuted in Captain Phillips. Also Aaron Paul from BB and Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman were good too.
Alice through the looking glass

"Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland and travels back in time to help the Mad Hatter"

Sacha Baron Cohen does show off his acting skills which are very good


Did not enjoy as much as Alice in Wonderland

Speaking of Sacha Baron Cohen

Brothers Grimsby 1/10.... maybe less.

Not funny, awful acting, awful script, awful cameos, strange and not good cast and everyone is bad in it.

I like his other stuff, not hugely but The Dictator was significantly better than this, that was watchable if not very good, this is just bad, unless the one actual joke is the film itself, in which case it's great in a meta way.

Senna 8/10

Good documentary, incredibly sad at points, had never seen the Donnelly crash before, can't believe he survived.

Zootopia 6/10

It was decent but just didn't grip me. Bit predictable, slightly dull and typical characters, the underdog, the not really a bad guy con man who comes good in the end, etc. Looked good but felt like a bit of a generic story.
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John Wick

Only got round to watching it - apart from the odd bit of ropey acting between your man from game of thrones and his characters father really enjoyed it (although Keane reeves' bow legged walking oft times upsets me!!)

Good solid actioneer of a film.

Conjuring 2

Ok'ish film, just not based on any kind of true story as the Warrens had nothing to do with the enfield case


Not entirely accurate - The Warrens investigated the case in 1978, and their investigation is mentioned in the book"The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren"

Extract of quote with Ed saying; ".....take a case Lorraine and I began investigating this past summer [1978] in Enfield, England, where inhuman spirit phenomena were in progress. Now, you couldn’t record the dangerous, threatening atmosphere inside that little house. But you could film the levitations, teleportations, and dematerializations of people and objects that were happening there—not to mention he many hundreds of hours of tape recordings made of these spirit voices speaking out loud in the rooms."

That said - I'm not convinced they actually made the journey to Enfield, though
Kung Fu Panda 7/10
Kung Fu Panda 2 7/10

Just getting ready for the release of Kung Fu Panda 3 so wanted to watch the previous two again :) Great movies, very funny and just really well done.
Speaking of Sacha Baron Cohen

Brothers Grimsby 1/10.... maybe less.

Not funny, awful acting, awful script, awful cameos, strange and not good cast and everyone is bad in it.

I like his other stuff, not hugely but The Dictator was significantly better than this, that was watchable if not very good, this is just bad, unless the one actual joke is the film itself, in which case it's great in a meta way.
see i thought the dictator was poor, i loved the brother grimsby and would happily give it a 9/10. Just shows how much peoples tastes in films can differ.
Whiplash - Amazing film, sad I didn't get to it sooner

Birdman - Awesome film, the whole one shot style works really well

The Martian - Kinda disappointing, though I do want to read the book
Dr No

It funny how much of the Bond icons are in the first movie from the music to the gun barrel. I haven't watch any of the classic bond films since Casino Royale came out as I liked the direction the Craig films were going in. That said it was good to watch Connery as bond again and over all a good film if not a bit slow in parts.
10 Cloverfield Lane 8/10

Tense throughout with a great cast.

Wondering where they go next with the Cloverfield universe. Although they share the same names, the monsters are totally different in this, more alien than what was in Cloverfield. Then again we don't really know much back story of where the Cloverfield monster comes from.
Dr No

It funny how much of the Bond icons are in the first movie from the music to the gun barrel. I haven't watch any of the classic bond films since Casino Royale came out as I liked the direction the Craig films were going in. That said it was good to watch Connery as bond again and over all a good film if not a bit slow in parts.

I loved the beach scene in Dr No. How cheesy is that 62 thriller music... and the car chase big screen behind the car with the film sped up.
Not entirely accurate - The Warrens investigated the case in 1978, and their investigation is mentioned in the book"The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren"

Extract of quote with Ed saying; ".....take a case Lorraine and I began investigating this past summer [1978] in Enfield, England, where inhuman spirit phenomena were in progress. Now, you couldn’t record the dangerous, threatening atmosphere inside that little house. But you could film the levitations, teleportations, and dematerializations of people and objects that were happening there—not to mention he many hundreds of hours of tape recordings made of these spirit voices speaking out loud in the rooms."

That said - I'm not convinced they actually made the journey to Enfield, though

They never. They were aware of the case but never made the trip as they were too sceptical about it.

They believed a lot of the activity was caused by the girls and that Maurice Grosse was easily influenced due to his recent tragedy.

As to the film, I don;t know why you were expecting a true depiction. It's hollywood, if you want a true story, watch a documentary.
Midnight Special.

It was an OK film, had some lovely cinematography in it, but a pretty weak story line, no explanation to how the boy came about, and a pretty basic ending, it did have some lovely audio tho.

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