maybe I was tired but not sure why all the love. felt like they were trying too hard with the comedy. entertaining enough I guess, not something I'd watch again though
6 out of 10 (gave it an extra 0.5 due to the bird out of Serenity)
The Wolf of Wall Street - 9/10
How Leo didn't win the Academy Award for this I'll never know. Absolutely incredible performance. Truly the best actor in Hollywood.
Agreed, very good film, although I knew nothing about it, also 8/10
Wimbledon - With Mark Bettany and Kirsten Dunst
The llangoliers, god the special effects are dire.
But I actually like the film and premise. Wish they would remake it with a better budget and some better writing 7/10
The last time I found her attractive... also, it's Paul![]()
Paul Bettany is a great allround actor, Hes great in Legion and plays a good part in A knights Tale.
full metal jacket
Seen it a long time ago but got looking for recommended war films last night and it comes out as being high up in a lot of top x of reviews. I wasn't that impressed tbh as I felt it followed a few characters too closely and was almost more about their journey through doing their service rather than about the war.