What film did you watch last night?

The llangoliers, god the special effects are dire.
But I actually like the film and premise. Wish they would remake it with a better budget and some better writing 7/10

maybe I was tired but not sure why all the love. felt like they were trying too hard with the comedy. entertaining enough I guess, not something I'd watch again though

6 out of 10 (gave it an extra 0.5 due to the bird out of Serenity :D)

I watched the 4K HDR version for the first time last night and 9\10. Very funny :)
Raider of the Lost Ark - was 35 years old on Monday, so watched that last night, cracking film still and always will be. 9/10
The Wolf of Wall Street - 9/10

How Leo didn't win the Academy Award for this I'll never know. Absolutely incredible performance. Truly the best actor in Hollywood.

I concur.. Darn good film. The script and acting was excellent from all of the cast. solid performance throughout by Di Caprio
The llangoliers, god the special effects are dire.
But I actually like the film and premise. Wish they would remake it with a better budget and some better writing 7/10

Yep pretty low budget but still a film I remember watching unlike the many 100s of big budget movies quickly forgotten.
full metal jacket

Seen it a long time ago but got looking for recommended war films last night and it comes out as being high up in a lot of top x of reviews. I wasn't that impressed tbh as I felt it followed a few characters too closely and was almost more about their journey through doing their service rather than about the war.
heathen, one of the best films.

why are either of those things inheritably bad. most films follow a sub set of people, and why should it be just about the war.
sounds more like you thought it was something it wasn't and judged it on what you thought it should be.
full metal jacket

Seen it a long time ago but got looking for recommended war films last night and it comes out as being high up in a lot of top x of reviews. I wasn't that impressed tbh as I felt it followed a few characters too closely and was almost more about their journey through doing their service rather than about the war.

Nearly all war films are about the people, rather than the war per se. War is too big. You need to be anchored to people and then you see the war through them.


I watched The Lady In The Van. I really liked it, apart from the last 5-10 minutes which were rubbish. Alan Bennett's dry dialogue is brilliant.
10 Cloverfield lane

Err its like 2 separate films. First part is pretty tense, Goodman is menacing as hell.

The second bit.

its like the forgot the first film has aliens, best chuck some in for the last 15 mins. Oh and we can't have the hero die at the end again so best make her take out a massive ship..

8/10 for the first bit, 5/10 for the end
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