What film did you watch last night?

The Great Dictator. Some funny bits, some really quite sinister bits. Weird that it was made in 1940 before the full horrors of the Nazi regime got underway and certainly before it was known.

It's hard to judge it as a film, as such, because the historical context is so much bigger than that.

When I watched this again a few months ago I noticed a disclaimer at the start which states they didn't realise the true horror of what was going on over there. Basically an apology that they weren't trying to make light of it.

That speech at the end though, reduces me to tears, I do like the way Paolo Nutini used it in Iron Sky.

“The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure”

La La Land - 9/10

Well worth the hype. Is it the greatest Film Musical ever? Hell no. I can't stand film musicals. They've got a tendency to ruin a good story through inappropriate use of song and dance. In the case of La La Land, the 'Musical' aspect is kept in check (mostly ;)) and used only where appropriate. The result is a strong film in its own right, with a little 'Musical' window dressing.

It also helps that the music is great. And the dancing has more in common with Singing in the Rain than Mama Mia. I'll be honest; I was rather envious of Mr Gosling's moves.
A Monster Calls

Wonderful film but a bit too close to home for me.

Never watch these types of films at the cinema, and was staring at the exit sign during some scenes in fear of breaking down in a cinema, even though everyone else was crying. Managed to get back to the car and totally lost it.

Never had a film affect me so much.


REALLY looking forward to this.
Eye in the Sky - 8/10

Staring the late Alan Rickman.

A good film, certainly makes you think about the subject covered, that being drone warfare.
Dr Strange - 6/10

I'm a big marvel fan and a big Cumberbatch fan, but this one didn't do it for me. Entertaining enough, but not one I'll re watch.
I, Daniel Blake.

Not bad actually, sums up "society" for the less well off pretty much bang on, anyone who has had to deal with the DWP and Job Centre will be all to familiar with it.

Only issue was understanding all the newcastle accents.

There were no issues with this film

Thank god for Ken Loach

Dr Strange - 6/10

I'm a big marvel fan and a big Cumberbatch fan, but this one didn't do it for me. Entertaining enough, but not one I'll re watch.

I quite enjoyed it. Only thing they really didn't need to say was that the eye was an infinity stone. Honestly they really have dumbed down movies.
sausage party, i wasn't expecting it to be good thanks to reviews, but it didn't deliver even that. the only good scene was the saving private Ryan one.

4/10 and i think that's generous.
It also helps that the music is great. And the dancing has more in common with Singing in the Rain than Mama Mia. I'll be honest; I was rather envious of Mr Gosling's moves.
I tell you one thing that made me laugh was his faux-shock when he discovers his sister in his apartment at the beginning of the film. Same 'stagey' move he pulls in the Nice Guys. I don't know why, it just makes me laugh :o
The Program (2015) 7/10

The Lance Armstrong story.

Really enjoyed it up until the end/conclusion when they seemed to try and bring it all together too quickly.

We didnt really get to see how his story fell apart and it would have been great to see life for Armstrong post the Oprah interview.
The Program (2015) 7/10

The Lance Armstrong story.

Really enjoyed it up until the end/conclusion when they seemed to try and bring it all together too quickly.

We didnt really get to see how his story fell apart and it would have been great to see life for Armstrong post the Oprah interview.

Watched this over chrimbo and agree with your comments.

AFAIK Armstrong wasn't involved in the making of this and it shows, they make him look an absolute *insert 4 letter expletive here*
Predator 2 - 2/10 I thought this was OK the first time I watched. But that was years ago just after it was released. Yesterday, I came across the Bluray version for a couple of quid in a second hand shop and bought it. Even £2 was a waste of money.

I didn't realise it was so bad. The acting is terrible, the special effects are crap and the sound effects are worse. They used the music from the first movie, military/army themed music, which was completely out of place in the Cop/civilian environment of downtown L.A.

It was just wrong on so many levels.
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