What film did you watch last night?

Deep Water Horizon - 7/10 - I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly that I enjoyed about the film but some hidden X-Factor kept me entertained through-out. The acting was good (no standout performances but all solid), the script was tight enough that the story never dragged and the characters seemed believeable. The CGI was pretty ropey in places once the fires started but didn't detract massively, in fact the only thing that did was the numerous "bad boss" clichés (despite being true facts) which felt very heavy handed. Overall I enjoyed it more than I was expecting and it did keep me focused on the film which is always a good sign :D

I thought the CGI was pretty good at the cinema, the scale of the fire was really good on the big screen.

I think I gave it the same rating, it's decent but ultimately forgettable as a movie (not the event).
A girl in our office quite likes old time musicals and she said La La Land is very good but not deserving of the praise it gets. She believes it's only getting this kind of attention now because it's breaking the norm a bit.

She also said it's because hollywood loves hollywood and it's a self congratulatory pat on the back of how great everything in hollywood is.

I'm still torn on whether to go watch it, I have an unlimited card, it's just Gosling putting me off. Even the beauty of Stone can't balance my dislike for the smug POS.
It's just very pretentious movie made in the most annoying of ways (musical). Tbh, I kind of hoped that this bizarre idea of people bursting into terrible, awful songs for no reason and psychiatric setups where main characters imagine half the city doing dance routines in their background would die off with the last century, but for some annoying, pretentious reason Hollywood keeps dragging this dead horse out of its grave every decade or so just to score teary eye points with geriatrics at the Academy.

I'm actually surprised someone likes it to the point of seeing it more than once, because to me it offers nothing worth remembering after "novelty" of format wears off - the script is just another "struggling actress in LA love" story, Gosling is just the same Scorpion jacket wearing Gosling character he always plays (but now with a keyboard) and Stone is the same Aloha character she always plays (but now slightly older and weirder looking) - and to be fair - both are strong performances, but nowhere near Oscar strong.

It's a classic movie made for awards (oh, we used CGI painted backdrops and cinemascope film for that retarded West Side Story look, how fabulously retro) that's skin deep and just pure form over content and I'm surprised anyone likes it to the point of waxing lyrical about it, in fact I'm kind of annoyed with myself to even write as many words as I just did and to think about it for another 5 minutes this morning.
Easyrider - you were warned about constantly badgering people in the Star Wars TFA thread. No-one and I mean NO-ONE likes having someone constantly question them over what they like/don't like and why and I personally am getting sick and tired of watching you question people trying to get them to justify themselves and their opinions to you.

Wind it in.

I was asking why Ray had seen La La Land 4 times in such a short space of time.

Plus its a discussion thread about films....If you want to critique a film and offer an opinion prepare to be challenged if the need arises.
I got dragged to see it by the Mrs, she loved it. I thought it was an utter load of contrived ****e. You could tell it was going to be a **** film before it started, the mass of hipster type millenials who were infesting the cinema gave it away.

It's just very pretentious movie made in the most annoying of ways (musical). Tbh, I kind of hoped that this bizarre idea of people bursting into terrible, awful songs for no reason and psychiatric setups where main characters imagine half the city doing dance routines in their background would die off with the last century, but for some annoying, pretentious reason Hollywood keeps dragging this dead horse out of its grave every decade or so just to score teary eye points with geriatrics at the Academy.

I'm actually surprised someone likes it to the point of seeing it more than once, because to me it offers nothing worth remembering after "novelty" of format wears off - the script is just another "struggling actress in LA love" story, Gosling is just the same Scorpion jacket wearing Gosling character he always plays (but now with a keyboard) and Stone is the same Aloha character she always plays (but now slightly older and weirder looking) - and to be fair - both are strong performances, but nowhere near Oscar strong.

It's a classic movie made for awards (oh, we used CGI painted backdrops and cinemascope film for that retarded West Side Story look, how fabulously retro) that's skin deep and just pure form over content and I'm surprised anyone likes it to the point of waxing lyrical about it, in fact I'm kind of annoyed with myself to even write as many words as I just did and to think about it for another 5 minutes this morning.

Be careful guys...You are justifying why you don't like La La Land...

ianh don't like that.
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It sounds like you're suggesting that you can't like both La La Land and Trainspotting...

Well the trailer for La La Land made me throw up in my mouth a little, i love the musicals of old but this looks like espcially made for the lefy-liberal hipsters in hollywood to console themselves with in the face of whats going on in the world.
Well the trailer for La La Land made me throw up in my mouth a little, i love the musicals of old but this looks like espcially made for the lefy-liberal hipsters in hollywood to console themselves with in the face of whats going on in the world.

Could that not apply to every movie on the side of happy feeling ever made? It's a form of escapism.

Is that not the point of movie? to take the audience into another world?

Weirdly, the audiences I sat with, I would say 80% have grey hair, if they are the demographic that you thought they attract, you clearly are wrong.
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Wanted to watch this before it goes away from the big screen so saw it this morning.

Beautiful animation and they are getting the CGI stuff better and better all the time. The water/ocean looks so good, the way it moves, the way the light reflects off of it, the way it makes the character looks wet, just so much better than i have seen ever before.

The songs are great too, evident in that I have the main theme stuck in my head and the movie finished 90mins ago. And Johnson can really sing, he is very good in it.

All in all a very neat, small cast adventure about a girl saving the world, recommend it even if you like Disney especially.

The Accountant - 5/10 - I saw this in the Cinema and can't remember how I rated it TBH but on second viewing I think Affleck did a very good job of portraying someone with Aspergers/Autism but, while it was fairly average, I felt it that with 3 distinct sections (early life, "accounting" & hitman) all jumbled up it was missing something to bind the three thread together. The weird reunion ending, Anna Kendricks character & the "who dun it" were all pretty poorly handled and, in most cases, a bit unnecessary.

I was asking why Ray had seen La La Land 4 times in such a short space of time.

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It was OK. Nothing really stand out about it. Very predictable, despite not knowing the actual story. Just... really underwhelming.

It has 1 good scene that scattered throughout the movie and repeated through various flashbacks and sims and more sims. It's not a bad movie but one of the more overrated in 2016.
It has 1 good scene that scattered throughout the movie and repeated through various flashbacks and sims and more sims. It's not a bad movie but one of the more overrated in 2016.

I kinda feel that the story, in the way that it was presented did not warrant a movie to be made. I don't mean that to sound harsh, as I fully appreciate the gravity of that situation and the bravely, skill and professionalism of all the crew. Thankfully, it turned out well.

But, the film felt very empty, despite the attempt from Eastwood to play on the human aspect.

Didn't do much at all for me.
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