What film did you watch last night?


My 7yo daughter wanted to see this and since she's been very well behaved lately, I took her but I really wasn't looking forward to it!

I thought it was rather good. Quite a few laughs. We came out with smiles on our faces.

A surprising 7/10
Watched La La Land at the weekend. Not something I'd choose to see in the cinema but the Mrs wanted to watch it.

I quite enjoyed it. Thankfully (for me) there wasn't too much singing and dancing.

I don't understand the massive critical acclaim. Underneath the handful of songs it's a pretty standard story which has been told over and over again. It is well acted, don't get me wrong but I don't get the craziness over it.
Jackie 5/10.

Couldn't get into it at all. I get that it is well acted by Natalie Portman and that's what gives my score most of its points but I didn't find it engaging.

Its basically just two hours of watching Natalie Portman be sad. And to amplify the sadness they have some droning string section chord sweeps throughout the entire length of the film. They are effective for the first few minutes but drive you crazy after two hours! Disappointed.
Casino - BluRay (part of Amazons 2 for £10 deal)

Really enjoyed it 2nd time round. The missus gave up when Joe Pesci squeezed that guys head in the bench vice. She just couldn't understand how I found that all a bit cool and sort of amusing so off she went to watch Call the Midwife elsewhere.

Wimmin Eh?
Lala Land

Tried to avoid all marketing material before seeing it. Didn't watch a single trailer and avoided all reviews best I could. A good job to as if I'd known that Damien Chazelle was directing it I might have gotten overly hyped.

Simply put, one of the best movies I've ever seen. I came out the cinema genuinely overwhelmed by the whole experience and wanted to immediately erase it from memory and go straight back in for a fresh viewing. A wonderful story beautifully realised. Loved the juxtapose of the overly garish and beautifully understated cinematography used to portray the narrative. Solid performances all round, especially Emma Stone. Absolutely killed it!

Will not be the least bit offended or surprised if it got every one of the 14 Oscars it's been nominated for.

This is why I keep going back. I go back now not just to experience the movie, but to look for easter eggs.

For example, when they were walking around on the Warner Brother's lot, there is a bit where he tells her "You are a genius childhood play write, so write your own play" or something to that effect. Just before that point they stopped at the entrance of a shooting studio where lots of props were being moved around.

The set inside is actually the one used in the epilogue, you could see the street lights (turned off) they used throughout the movie on the entrance of the studio.

When the camera turn around and shoot them from inside, there is a giant billboard moving past behind them. The movie was "Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench", which is the Director Damien Chapelle's student film (his first feature).
Magnificent Seven (remake).
8/10 - pleasantly surprised unlike many recent reboots it stuck with telling the traditional story rather than spicing it up with sex, nudity or gratuitous gore (a slightly bullet sliced ear was about the most schlock on offer). Thought it might outstay its welcome at just over two hours but quite well paced.

And am I the only one to think that Denzel Washington's appearance and outfit was designed to make him look like a latter day Lee Van Cleef (minus the meerschaum pipe)?
Two for me:-

Ted - you know what you are going to get with a rude talking teddy bear and it delivers. Nothing too special but still pretty funny. 4/5

Wild Tales - this was a surprise, absolutely excellent dark comedy from Argentina. Six separate stories are told in two hours, most are very good, some are OK but others are heart in mouth tense and extremely funny at the same time.

Won the 2015 BAFTA for non-English film and currently 195 on IMDb Top 250. 5/5 Would strongly recommend.
Hacksaw Ridge

Well...I watched it and I think I'll be best to sum it up as a decent lengthy episode of Season One of Band Of Brothers.( good praise as for me Band of brothers is a Benchmark for this genre Albeit it being TV)

Nothing more nothing less..In fact I would argue that Band of Brothers is shot better than this...has more heart, realism and less Hollywood Schmaltz

It is a good movie...But there are bits that are just plain silly and quite frankly ludicrous...

Parody? Yep very close in parts to being uncomfortable

Don't compare this to Saving Private Ryan.

SPR is in a different league to Hacksaw Ridge


For me saving private ryan has the best opening 20 mins of virtually any war move I can think of, Unfortunately that doesn't make it even a notable war movie of it's time, overall I found Enemy at the gates a better picture.
For me saving private ryan has the best opening 20 mins of virtually any war move I can think of, Unfortunately that doesn't make it even a notable war movie of it's time, overall I found Enemy at the gates a better picture.

Enemy at the Gates is not in the same league as SPR...
Saving Private Ryan.
Born on the 4th July.
Full Metal Jacket.

That's my top 3 war movies, Band of Brothers, if one can count a TV series, probably edge it if i could include that.
I watched Singin' in the Rain. I liked it. Quite funny, lots of good song and dance. In glorious technicolor so all super bright and colourful.

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Saving Private Ryan.
Born on the 4th July.
Full Metal Jacket.

That's my top 3 war movies, Band of Brothers, if one can count a TV series, probably edge it if i could include that.

Hang on we usually diasgaree

But this is my top 3 as well and I've mentioned my love of Band of Brothers also ! :eek: :p
Hacksaw Ridge

Well...I watched it and I think I'll be best to sum it up as a decent lengthy episode of Season One of Band Of Brothers.( good praise as for me Band of brothers is a Benchmark for this genre Albeit it being TV)

Nothing more nothing less..In fact I would argue that Band of Brothers is shot better than this...has more heart, realism and less Hollywood Schmaltz

It is a good movie...But there are bits that are just plain silly and quite frankly ludicrous...

Parody? Yep very close in parts to being uncomfortable

Don't compare this to Saving Private Ryan.

SPR is in a different league to Hacksaw Ridge


Yep, watched this last night, excellent film. I agree with all what you said but I still enjoyed it.
As you say SPR is in another league.

Eddie the Eagle, pleasantly surprised at what turned out to be a charmingly inoffensive watch. How historically accurate it is I don't know, but we enjoyed it.
Sunday night was Gone Girl - didn't see that ending coming when it started.
Last night was Inferno - entertained for the couple of hours it was on.
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