What film did you watch last night?

I, Daniel Blake 8/10...just a great watch, equally funny and sad.
The girl with all the gifts 5/10 ...2 marks knocked off for that pathetic ending
Wild tales 9/10... wow awesome film, cracking music throughout, straight to the point scripts, great acting, darkly funny, loved it.
Arrival is enjoyable in the same way that any film engages you by sharing the lead's / leads' problem solving - similar to interstellar or even The Thing.

It was enjoyable on multiple levels too...

It's not immediately obvious that's it's out of chronological order - it's only shown that way in light of the lead's insight into the alien way of viewing time in a non linear fashion.

In short the daughter is born after the alien lands and after she is famous but she chooses to keep the baby notwithstanding that she knows it will die young. This is explicitly obvious through the stories that the daughter invents a TV show of her parents talking to animals... in light of their known fame... plus her drawings / models.

Haven't read the book but fairly confident with my interpretation.

Slightly mired by an unnecessary and deeply frustrating military doomsday background plot that was just silly.
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Arrival is enjoyable in the same way that any film engages you by sharing the lead's / leads' problem solving - similar to interstellar or even The Thing.

It was enjoyable on multiple levels too...

It's not immediately obvious that's it's out of chronological order - it's only shown that way in light of the lead's insight into the alien way of viewing time in a non linear fashion.

It makes rewatching the movie a new experience.
Resident Evil - The Final Chapter. Very very very very sad ending to a relatively enjoyable series. Went out with a whimper rather than a bang. The cast was mediocre but Miia (Alice)was ok. The story wasn't too bad (for this type of genre) and the effects was good from what little I could tell or rather SEE. Let me clarify the director dropped the ball BIG time. :mad:

For almost the entire movie it was a giant messy blur of 2 second shots from 50 different camera angles. You simply didn't have enough time to focus on anything or tell what was going on. Ie say Alice picking up a gun it would be shot of Mila face, shot of her walking, shot of the gun, shot of hand, shot of face, shot of the gun, shot of her hand, shot of her picking up, shot shot shot etc. now don't get me wrong this technique for fast sequences has been used in small doses but I have never watch a entire movie of it where you could not see anything because of blurry mess and shaky camera from 100 different angles. This is such extremely bad storytelling. Using my gun example, single take from one angle would have been more than sufficient. I wanted desperately to see the creatures, the effects and the fights but the audience simply never gets the chance.

At the time I didn't pay much attention and thought who is this director? he desperately needs more director lessons or go back to Film Making School but I was floored when the name was Paul W S Anderson!!!! He made the first one for heavens sake and others like Event Horizon, Soldier, Mortal Kombat. How on earth did he get it so so wrong. Even bigger surprise was the studio willing to release this disjointed mess. The Editor should be fired and barred from ever editing anything ever again.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than Underworld Blood Wars. This was personally very very disappointing to one of my favourite franchises.

2/10 - I am certain this would have scored much better if the directing was better. :( I wanted to like this movie so bad.
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Split - disappointing 5/10.

wtf the twist is like a shoe horned in 10 second scene at the end which doesn't even make sense, how on earth is it the same universe as unbreakable, he doesnt have split personalities in that. and looks like there will be a third film where the two fanchise come together properly
Split - disappointing 5/10.

wtf the twist is like a shoe horned in 10 second scene at the end which doesn't even make sense, how on earth is it the same universe as unbreakable, he doesnt have split personalities in that. and looks like there will be a third film where the two fanchise come together properly

It explains why...

...his final personality could survive the shotgun shells and is practically invulnerable, this is a world where superheroes/villains exist, he is simply one of them but bogged down with a mental disorder.
I'm sure that I have a serious case of deja vu.

Yeah, we've been here many times before but he still doesn't get it.

His opinion is right because he studied film.

I studied Fine Art but would never ask a person to justify why they liked a piece of art.

He's the Charlie Zelenoff of this forum:D
The Girl on the Train

I was expecting good things from this movie given the hype it got. I left disappoint. Talk about slow moving. I had to force myself to stay awake at times. Could have been so much better if they had just raised the pace a bit.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

It was a Friday we wanted something fun/enjoyable, perhaps a comedy.

This easily delivered on that, New Zealand looks seriously appealing, the cast are exceptionally capable across the board and following a purposefully ridiculous story didn't stop us liking them.

8.5/10 (which possibly reflects the right movie at the right time/place)

Following from the Director's "what we do in the shadows", also good, I'm really looking forward to what he does with the Hemsworth/Ruffalo/Cumabatch combo in the new Thor a film, I'd argue the Thor films need the quirk adding more than the director need a big budget gig.
It explains why...

...his final personality could survive the shotgun shells and is practically invulnerable, this is a world where superheroes/villains exist, he is simply one of them but bogged down with a mental disorder.

well no, it is very much shoe horned in, the mechanism of getting the suepr powers where very much different and there is no link in the film other than the last 10 seconds.
and no it is the mental issues that lead to his super powers, as the entire film explains.
well no, it is very much shoe horned in, the mechanism of getting the suepr powers where very much different and there is no link in the film other than the last 10 seconds.
and no it is the mental issues that lead to his super powers, as the entire film explains.

I just understood it differently, this is from Shyamalan himself...

The filmmaker revealed that “Split” is a sort of spinoff, sequel story set in the “Unbreakable” universe where The Horde is the villain. The director revealed that this was always his plan and that the idea for “Split” came when he was writing “Unbreakable.” Kevin was actually featured in an early version of the script but was later removed.


It's because it's set in the unbreakable universe his mental issues allow him to attain the super powers.

EDIT: Can't find the article now but there were other scenes intended which had a lot more of Willis throughout the movie. Will try and find it.
I just understood it differently, this is from Shyamalan himself...

It's because it's set in the unbreakable universe his mental issues allow him to attain the super powers.

EDIT: Can't find the article now but there were other scenes intended which had a lot more of Willis throughout the movie. Will try and find it.

im not disagreeing with that, i had to read up on it as it was so shoe horned in, nothing in the film links the universe till the last 10 seconds, nothing. so we are now saying any super hero universes can come together, as it doesn't matter on the mechanism. it was a terrible shoe horned in twist. especially surprising as he went so far to keep it quite
The Girl on the Train

I was expecting good things from this movie given the hype it got. I left disappoint. Talk about slow moving. I had to force myself to stay awake at times. Could have been so much better if they had just raised the pace a bit.

It had appalling source material to work with, so there was never much hope anyway.
Yeah, we've been here many times before but he still doesn't get it.

I do get it...I completely get that people in the thread like really bad movies...

Good luck to them...I would argue thats why Hollywood are churning out comic book dross over and over again.

You only have yourselves to blame.

If you all stopped buying into this commercial capitalist franchise bandwagon we may have something worthy to watch in our cinemas.

But NOPE...I know some people that have bought Batman V superman on Bluray!

How much dross do you actaully need?:mad::eek::p
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