What film did you watch last night?

Nah but your mum did. :p


T2 Trainspotting.

Interesting character study and a catch up of the 4 original characters but ultimately what let it down for me is I never really liked them to begin with. I never quite made up my mind who I "rooted" for so never cared for how they ended up really.

Engaging story, a few throw back moment of the first one, just enough references and flashbacks to jog the memory even though i've not seen it since the first one came out.

I'll join in. :p
Prometheus 9/10
I enjoyed it.

I've met some sick individuals in my existance, but you sir, you are amongst the most depraved, inane and sick creatures ever to be spawned by the Earth.... ;)

You might have enjoyed, but then some people enjoy being kicked in the balls, still doesn't deserve a 9/10 for anything but the beauty of the set designs.

So while we're posting in such style
Frozen 10/10.
T2 Trainspotting.

Interesting character study and a catch up of the 4 original characters but ultimately what let it down for me is I never really liked them to begin with. I never quite made up my mind who I "rooted" for so never cared for how they ended up really.

Engaging story, a few throw back moment of the first one, just enough references and flashbacks to jog the memory even though i've not seen it since the first one came out.


I know what you mean. I haven't seen it yet, but in the first one, although I found the characters interesting, none of them really had any redeeming features that made me warm to them. They were all basically scumbags.

The only half decent one was Tommy, but a typical scumbag action from Renton started his downward spiral to a desperate death.

To be honest, I wouldn't have cared if any of them had ended up under a bus.
I know what you mean. I haven't seen it yet, but in the first one, although I found the characters interesting, none of them really had any redeeming features that made me warm to them. They were all basically scumbags.

The only half decent one was Tommy, but a typical scumbag action from Renton started his downward spiral to a desperate death.

To be honest, I wouldn't have cared if any of them had ended up under a bus.

The message and values of Trainspotting is social comment.

The characters (scum) are the product of a broken Britain, The force of capitalism and conservatism...

You may not like them ...But thats not the point of the film...

You can empathise with the human condition...The forgotten youth the neglected society and the North and south divide.
I wouldn't agree with that, but I do agree that of course it's largely subjective. However, whether a film was well acted and well shot or not, I don't think is subjective. There is of course such a thing as a technically bad film which can be enjoyable, just look at Love Actually!

Apologies if my opinion offended you!

e: that paragraph of mine was a mess :(

Why would your comment offend me? Although reading back my post, it did come off sounding a lot harsher than I meant it to be and I apologise for that.

But how good the film is shot or acted or how well written it is doesn't matter a damn if the person watching doesn't enjoy the movie. An example for me would be Gravity. Brilliantly shot, spectacular scenes, well written, great timing etc. But, I thought it was crap movie.

For some people, the acting, writing etc. make a movie and they enjoy that, that's their "blue" and good on them. For other people, they don't notice these things as separates and just watch the movie.

To use an analogy :p (people hate these) I watch soccer with my friends, not too often though as I hate soccer. They all love it. I appreciate the skills involved, passing, dribbling etc. and some of the goals are amazing. And there are some real wow moments. Despite all this, I still hate watching soccer.
But how good the film is shot or acted or how well written it is doesn't matter a damn if the person watching doesn't enjoy the movie. An example for me would be Gravity. Brilliantly shot, spectacular scenes, well written, great timing etc. But, I thought it was crap movie.

It wasn't though...Your limitation as a human being to not get it is not the films fault

To use an analogy :p (people hate these) I watch soccer with my friends, not too often though as I hate soccer. They all love it. I appreciate the skills involved, passing, dribbling etc. and some of the goals are amazing. And there are some real wow moments. Despite all this, I still hate watching soccer.

Now you are comparing Art to mincing about a football field with bleached hair and overpowered ego?

You can't compare sport to film?

Sport is a Visual reality of real-time events

Film is fabricated , manipulated imagery to evoke an emotional response.
Why would your comment offend me? Although reading back my post, it did come off sounding a lot harsher than I meant it to be and I apologise for that.


For some people, the acting, writing etc. make a movie and they enjoy that, that's their "blue" and good on them. For other people, they don't notice these things as separates and just watch the movie.

Not a problem :)

I'm definitely more on the side of an objective opinion holder when it comes to films which I'm happy to be most of the time (until my friend takes me to Sausage Party and it makes me want to die inside :mad:) But then again, lots of people will discount foreign and b+w films due to them 'not liking' b+w and foreign films which I think is a huge shame as it closes them off to a lot of brilliant films.

Moving swiftly on :p...

I watched Fences last night, and on the whole I thought it was pretty good. As I've seen written elsewhere, it was pretty obvious that it was a play before a film which was also the reason for it seeming a little episodic. The cast were superb, with stand out performances from Denzel and Viola Davis. I also immediately noticed the casting of Mykelti Williamson (Bubba from Forest Gump!) which was nice to see. It felt a little flat in some areas, and it almost certainly shouldn't win best picture. A very good film which I feel could have been considerably better if it left a bit more to the imagination.

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But regarding Whiplash, I'm afraid Maxter_X is just wrong :p

The film is superb, the pacing and constant rhythm (excuse the pun) of the film is outstanding. Not to mention that the performances, writing and direction are all fantastic!

Yes i will agree that the direction and the performance of J.K Simmons is fantastic. And yes it was well shot.

Ok so maybe my score was a little low looking back on it but that doesn't mean im wrong for finding a film slow or boring :p
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