What film did you watch last night?

I started watching Gravity a few days ago and turned it off half way through. It just bored the hell out of me and was pointlessly over the top.

2/10 and the 2 is only because I like space stuff, even though the file gives space stuff a bad name.
I started watching Gravity a few days ago and turned it off half way through. It just bored the hell out of me and was pointlessly over the top.

2/10 and the 2 is only because I like space stuff, even though the file gives space stuff a bad name.

it always was reviewed as awesome scenery/sound, rubbish story line.

it is a beautiful film, if watched on a decent big screen and sound system, but year the actual film it self is pretty poor.
it always was reviewed as awesome scenery/sound, rubbish story line.

it is a beautiful film, if watched on a decent big screen and sound system, but year the actual film it self is pretty poor.

Ah, I was in the supermarket and saw it for sale for £3 so figured I'd give it a shot, didn't really have time to research it (although the online reviews still give it a far better review than I ever will).

I need to see a few of the other recent space files, Interstellar is one that I can think of, I'm sure there are others. Arrival(s)?
I started watching Gravity a few days ago and turned it off half way through. It just bored the hell out of me and was pointlessly over the top.

2/10 and the 2 is only because I like space stuff, even though the file gives space stuff a bad name.

it always was reviewed as awesome scenery/sound, rubbish story line.

it is a beautiful film, if watched on a decent big screen and sound system, but year the actual film it self is pretty poor.

Gravity is a clear solid 9/10

On face value one could agree...but gravity is a film that has so much depth to it...most just never find the true meaning and watch it like a marvel film.

The ending is sublime and sums up existence in a blink of an eye..

Gravity is stunning.

Audiences blame films too much...when in fact they need to start blaming themselves for not having the intelligence to look, actually look and digest beyond the spectacle.

Sigma not getting it...is not the films fault but entirely his...
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You really MUST watch films like Gravity and Interstellar on an OLED TV. It has so much more beauty and impact that no other screen type can replicate, even the cinema screens don't compare to how space looks on an OLED.

I finally watched Passengers. Was expecting a certain plot line having seen the trailer, but it turned out to be something different.

It was nothing spectacular, but was a visually pleasing SciFi, and J Law isn't bad either ;)
Sigma not getting it...is not the films fault but entirely his...

Based purely on this comment I will watch it again and provide a full critique breakdown if you want.

It's basically just a typical Hollywood film, drama for the sake of it, no real story line, cliffhangers/"twists" and ridiculous things happening to make a good spectacle. Oh no, I'm stuck in some cable by the sheer chance that my foot got caught in it....oh noes!

I'm not fussed about how it looks.
Based purely on this comment I will watch it again and provide a full critique breakdown if you want.

It's basically just a typical Hollywood film, drama for the sake of it, no real story line, cliffhangers/"twists" and ridiculous things happening to make a good spectacle. Oh no, I'm stuck in some cable by the sheer chance that my foot got caught in it....oh noes!

I'm not fussed about how it looks.

Now look beyond and try and work out what the real story is...;)
You really MUST watch films like Gravity and Interstellar on an OLED TV. It has so much more beauty and impact that no other screen type can replicate, even the cinema screens don't compare to how space looks on an OLED.

I finally watched Passengers. Was expecting a certain plot line having seen the trailer, but it turned out to be something different.

It was nothing spectacular, but was a visually pleasing SciFi, and J Law isn't bad either ;)

A 65" OLED is sooo on my purchase list for 2018. :)
Gravity is good. Interstellar is terrible.

Interstellar was trying to be clever but failed...audiences were actually duped into thinking it had some kind of meaning...I'll totally agree with you there...it was rubbish.

Gravity is so clever it actually confuses most people into thinking it has no story or meaning when in fact it's dripping with it...

Gravity is up there in my top ten if I'm honest...it's sublime.
Now look beyond and try and work out what the real story is...;)

The struggle and loneliness? Survival? Love? Heard it all before.

I'll give it another go as I did partially switch off after 15 mins last time, the initial incident that triggered it all off wasn't handled in the way an astronaut would do it in real life, so I was peeved from the start. Safety is the number 1 priority. Nor would astronauts panic wildly.
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Edge of Tomorrow - 8/10

Not seen it for a while but forgot how enjoyable it was. It really nails the pacing and I always find Cruise watchable and he has his comedic timing down. Very well paced and just seems like its better than it has any right to be :p

After watching that nonsense that was Independence day 2, it was quite nice to see an alien film were they weren't trying to wipe out the human race.

If these aliens can see the past present and future, and have come to earth saying that they'd need our help in 3000 years time, I can only guess that 3000+ years ago they knew that they would be landing on earth at certain points of the planet, and that they could have learnt the languages of those countries in that time, I mean they're advanced aliens ffs, which would have made the whole alien arrival thing a lot smoother for everyone.

'Oh hey hey hey, we're friendly aliens who will need earths help in 3000 years time, this is our language and a translation into the relevant earth languages. Louise, we're going to give you the power to see into the future, so you'll be able to experience a future conversation with the Chinese general who will give you his private number and tell you what his dying wife last spoke to him which will then make all of you humans get along and stop fighting each other, which will be totally awesome.
And know that if we'd have stayed on your planet, some of you co&^suckers were going to try and destroy us, I totatally lol'd when I saw that you were going to try that. So we'll just leave this here with you along with some answers that I'm sure you'll want to to ask, so that you won't have to talk to our crotches throughout this event, see you in 3000 years time, piece out ya'll.'

If you know the future and how it's going to play out, why act like a bunch of idiots and pretend that your learning earths languages for the first time, you already know them.

And does anyone really think, that because some American women spoke to some Chinese bloke that they whole world would suddenly become all chummy.

I dunno, maybe I missed the point of the whole film but that was my take on it.

A bit to slow paced for me, probably not a film that I want to watch again tbh.

Still it was well made and acted. 6/10.
Gravity is good. Interstellar is terrible.

I like both but think Interstellar was much better. People put too much emphasis on the end of Interstellar which is undeniably the weakest part. It didn't spoil it for me.

Gravity scored negatively for me for being so crass with its messages of 'rebirth' - I don't need things like that so obviously spelled out for me. I felt like it was treating its audience like idiots - not even remotely subtle! :p
Gravity scored negatively for me for being so crass with its messages of 'rebirth' -

I never noticed it...rebirth?


Gold (2017) - 5/10

A functionally interesting and entertaining film, but nothing really stands out apart from some good acting and McConaughey’s superbly committed performance to his role.

The story starts off well, but descends into typical scam movie tropes, and drags on at the end.

Some drama, but you never get ‘swept up in the ride’ as they do.
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