What film did you watch last night?

So you're saying it wasn't dramatised in a typical Hollywood fashion?

I've not see that, no, so thanks for the recommendation.

Of course it was dramatised...But that doesn't mean the film should be dissmissed...

Its not a documentary..Its entertainment.:)

When I fist heard Bullock was going to be an astronaut...I cringed...When I watched the film I was ashamed with myself I had even allowed myself to have this blinkered view...

Bullock is brilliant in it!
All this discussion on gravity... it doesn't deserve such wasted energy.

Gravity = ****
Bullock = ****

Not opinion, fact.

As simple as that, end of discussion.

Now can you guys discuss a true master piece such as interstellar.


Empire Strikes Back Sins - 129
Interstellar Sins - 104
Gravity Sins - 69

I guess Empire is the most flawed and Gravity is the more perfect movie :D
Doesn't matter, interstellar could have a million "sins" and it would still be far better than gravity :D

Heck, give me Michael Bays Transformer films over gravity any day of the week, that is how awful gravity is...

Any way, this film does not deserve such wasted energy...
Heck, give me Michael Bays Transformer films over gravity any day of the week, that is how awful gravity is...

I'm right again! :p

easyrider said:
And then question themselves why they like guff and get frustrated and embarrassed about liking transformers...:p

Usually with no solid reason why the film is any good...

Have you told us what you like so much about Transformers?

What you hate so much about Gravity?

Or are you scared? :p
Hunt For The Wilderpeople: Brilliant little film where Sam Neill's grumpy old man goes on the run in the New Zealand bush with Julian Dennison's grumpy young orphan. Sam Neill is never less than stellar, and Julian Dennison is a funny fat kid who plays well opposite the great Neill. A funny, touching little adventure full of smart dialogue and clever little jokes. Cinematography is great, showcasing the spectacular landscapes of New Zealand as the mismatched pair travel the bush avoiding the authorities as they become unlikely outlaw heroes.

I mentioned to my brother in law that I'd seen it recently, and my 12 year old nephews instantly started quoting funny lines from the film, so the youngsters liked it too.
Star Wars - That one with the cute tennis ball droid thing with a magnet on it's head. Cute. So cute my missus nearly sanctioned me paying a hundred quid for one.

Reasoned her out of it.

very good but sad :(

I know it was probably expected but the father did everything to save his kid and i thought he would make it, I had my mind set on a win win dad + daughter survive but **** no. Felt that storywise they could have kept him alive but to maximise impact lets kill him too. So i think they sacrifice a few points of the story (and sequel with him in it) for shorter term emotional impact gain of the film. Probably also maybe they felt karmic justice was done as the film sortof implies that he (his firm) is partly responsible for the outbreak. Meh shenanigans i say.
Saddest zombie film pic i've seen tbh. (not counting walking dead which is a whole different level of sad haha)

yeah totally agree, particularly after all he had been through. Very sad indeed.

Anyway why is everyone getting worked up over Intersteller and Gravity. The big news is Resident Evil!!! :D. Did no one read my rage review :mad:

Still cant believe it :(
Starwars was flawed as soon as we noticed the storm trooper bang his head :p

Flawed, or simply the start of something bigger? :D

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