What film did you watch last night?

Flawed, or simply the start of something bigger? :D


Whats The Hobbit got to do with anything? :D
I was initially put off Passengers when a film professor (of who I have infinite time for) mentioned how disappointed she found it, and overall how forgettable it was.

However; I still went to see it, and (quell surprise) was in total agreement with the first initial report. It has wonderful potential, but ultimately lead nowhere. Disappointing, I tend to absolutely deplore the 'rating' or 'comparing' films in general, I only do it in academia when absolutely necessary, but I felt this was a poor film.

Shame, as the two leads are actors who I enjoy.
Anyway why is everyone getting worked up over Intersteller and Gravity. The big news is Resident Evil!!! :D. Did no one read my rage review :mad:

Yes, but 1. Nobody really expects Resident Evil movies to actually be any good.
2. Paul W.S. Anderson has always been ****. Event Horizon was a fluke.
3. I'd already watched Angry Joe's review, and he almost word for word said what you did.
I thought you'd watched his vid and then wrote your review tbh :p
Yes, but 1. Nobody really expects Resident Evil movies to actually be any good.
2. Paul W.S. Anderson has always been ****. Event Horizon was a fluke.
3. I'd already watched Angry Joe's review, and he almost word for word said what you did.
I thought you'd watched his vid and then wrote your review tbh :p

LoL - yeah unfortunately just about every review i saw *AFTER* i watched the movie felt the same :(

Paul must have been tripping when he made this. So disappointing particularly after the previous movie closed with them standing on the white house in some huge final epic last stand. Everything in ALL previous movies are forgotten or wiped clean! What were they thinking!
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Decent Sci-Fi about a man who was accidently awoken during a deep space journey. He awoke 80 years too soon while the rest of the crew were still in hibernation. He has to find a way to save the ship with the help of another crew member who he awakens.

Excellent movie! Wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. A very emotional experience for me. Looked great and well acted.

the monument men - 6/10 - disappointing. it has a good premise but the film jumps around all over the place and and doesn't feel like a cohesive story.
Swiss Army Man - 7/10

It was good, proper laugh out loud in places. Completely took me by surprised. Had to watch the last half an hour twice to figure out what was properly going on. Did not expect the ending!

Went in to it expecting a comedy, realised it was a comedy with some serious questions raised as well. Worth a watch!
Captain America Civil War.

Really enjoyed it, thought the first one was great, and this one was even better.

Far more action that Batman V Superman that I saw the other day, actually knew what was happening unlike Batman V Superman and wasn't looking to see how many minutes of the film was left unlike Batman V Superman...

Captain America Civil War.

Really enjoyed it, thought the first one was great, and this one was even better.

Far more action that Batman V Superman that I saw the other day, actually knew what was happening unlike Batman V Superman and wasn't looking to see how many minutes of the film was left unlike Batman V Superman...


If you liked that makes sure you check out GotG and Ant-man.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017) - 3/10

Entertaining, but not a good film.

Some scenes are tense with effective jump scares and the action scenes are loud, frenetic and explosive, but the plot and dialogue is poor and the ending is just terrible.

There are lots of odd design choices throughout – the monster CGI and setting is good at the start, but noticeably lacking in the latter half.

Both the old and new characters are instantly forgettable, and any sliver of relevance to the game franchise is long gone.
Two from the weekend for me:-

The BFG - what to say? Looked amazing, pretty similar to the book and that's about it. 3/5

A Wednesday - Indian film about a mastermind who plants bombs in the city demanding the release of four terrorist prisoners. It started slow but became very tense and paid off well. Very fast dialogue made the subtitles hard to follow, that and the constant use of English phrases also made it difficult to read. Worth it though. 4/5
La La Land - 8/10

Wasn't too keen after the first couple of song and dance numbers, but once they were out of the way it was much more story focused. Emma Stone is glorious in it.
La La Land - 8/10

Wasn't too keen after the first couple of song and dance numbers, but once they were out of the way it was much more story focused. Emma Stone is glorious in it.

At first viewing the first song hits you from the 1st second and you go WTF am I watching? But it also serves an important purpose, it is that it straight away tell you this is a musical. They originally did an edit where the first song don't come in until about 10 mins in and it was very jarring, even more so.

That said, that's the only purpose of the first song because it does not serve the story at all, i mean they could do the camera pan down to the cars straight off and the movie still makes sense.

The 2nd song however I really like, i like the way to switches from quick (in the house) then to slow (even fake slow motion walk) and then finish up quick again, but then you are right, the movie really gets going from then on and Emma Stone will get that Oscar this year.
Absolutely fantastic ending to it as well.

Some people dislike the epilogue and especially first viewing at first you go....

"is this a dream?"

but when you watch it you get both feeling of joy and sadness, a double note as Damien Chazelle calls it.

Also, because the entire film was shot in real old school film, so much so Panasonic had to custom make a set of lenses for them to shoot in Cinemascope. There is a clip in the epilogue where it was shot in 16mm where Mia and Seb had their own child and the home movies part and the film jerked, that was the actual camera/film jammed and it was kept in. (this is what you get from multiple viewings)

Another thing, the last Audition scene she sung live on camera rather than lip sync later on in post and it was Stone's idea because it would feel weird going from talking to singing and blending that in. So Hurwitz (the composer) played the piano just off the stage into a wireless ear piece into Stone's ear so she can hear the music and sung on camera in 1 take.
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