What film did you watch last night?

Kick Ass

Good start, Good end.. pity about the bit in the middle.. a 2 hour movie that should have been edited to 1hr 30min

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! 9/10. Fantastic film. Very original, well acted, well directed, well filmed! Good soundtrack.
Paranormal Activity

I think this film needs to be watched at home either on your own or with a partner. Decent sound levels help. If you're in the right frame of mind then it will scare the **** out out of you. I doubt this would work well in the cinema listening to people munch on sweets and playing on their phones, etc. You need to get immersed.

Watch on your own in the dark with a good sound system - 8.5/10
Peacock. Dark psychological drama with a chilling performance by Cillian Murphy. Probably the best film I have seen this year!

Not last night but have just seen Iron Man 2!
was pretty good, i'd say 8/10 need to see a few more times to decide if its better than the first. and theyve given another little clip at the end like the first one.
Dnevnoy Dozor. Two and a half hours of 100% pure Russian craziness. Special effects were absolutely spectacular. Nochnoy Dozor was impressive, but this one had some absolute stunners.

Good times!

first one is best is it night watch or daywatch i always get it mixed up .second one is more hollwood which i dont kinda like cause thats why it was so cool in first place cause it was fresh. god knows what the 3rd will be like.
The box.

Not a bad film quite enjoyed it really. Thought it was well acted and directed. Its quite a simple story/idea but it kind of hooked me in. I didn't know anything about the story before watching so had me wanting to know what and why through out.

Are they trying to say woman are greedy or unhappy with what they have?!

10/10 - utterly superb, visuals never once made me think "computer graphics" and the story flowed very well throughout the film.
Paranormal activity.

Brilliant scare film, definitely needs to be watched in the dark on your own. I watched with the wife. Not sure I could have watched on my own. Bloody speakers had the room vibrating :D
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