What film did you watch last night?

Misses forced me to watch Bridget Jones Baby with her the other night. Having heard the others were meant to be really good, I though it might be alright......my god it was the worst thing I've watched in years.

And what has happened to the main woman's face?!!

Renee Zellweger was in all the papers last year or the year before for looking... odd. People were defending it on the basis that she was just aging, but it really didn't look like that was all that was going on. Who knows.
Hidden Figures - 8/10

Really good film, I did think they used a bit of crude imagary at times to emphasise some points, which I didn't think was needed as the story was strong enough without the artifical embellishments

Moonlight - 6 / 10

Good story and had some very good moments in it, so I can see why it was an Oscar nominee, but for us, it was just a bit too slow and 'arty'
Dr Strange - 7/10 - interesting as I was really looking forward to it, thought it was well acted but it just lacked something. I can't put my finger on it, maybe it's the usual "Marvel ultimate boss" syndrome that I find with them all now.

Death Race 3 - 1/10 - awful story, awful acting and I've seen better fight scenes in the local playgroup.

Hacksaw Ridge - 9/10 - Really enjoyed it, thought it was well acted and enjoyed the story. I didn't consider it a typical war film so wasn't put off by some of the comments about it being a poor war film. I'd had a really bad day and maybe it made me feel the film more but I found it quite moving. Definitely worth a watch.
Arrival. I like a slow and thinky sci-fi, but the story was coloured by my having read the original short story it's based on a few months back. I enjoyed it in a thoughtful sort of way, especially some of the mind-bending temporal solutions to the story. I thought the main character was a great example of a female lead character. Coincidently, I was having a chat with the wife today about "pandering" by taking a male character and making it female with little other changes, when I'm of the view that film/TV should make more fully rounded female characters from scratch instead of hanging it on an already successful male character, and Arrival shows how well a good female lead can carry a movie.
John Wick: Chapter 2

It was good but not as good as the first one. I think it had a lot to live up to, maybe too much. The first one was such a unexpected surprise.

A cure for wellness. 8/10

Wasn't expecting much. Enjoyed it enough for a hefty 2h 30m ish film.

However I do feel it jumped the shark towards the end and big reveals I had already worked out 10s after meeting the characters.

A good looking film but some of the plot holes are nonsensical when discussed.

Still strangely enjoyable
Wolyn : 8 / 10

******* hell, that was grim..:(

Don't think I've ever been so desperate for a film to end just to stop the unrelenting horror of what I was watching, whilst simultaneously being transfixed to the screen.

That's going to stay with me for a while.
The Hateful Eight

Still my favourite Tarantino movie since Jackie Brown. Feels like Tarantino just said '**** it', vomited a load of ideas onto a page and decided to film it.

Yeah it's overly long and bloated with dialogue but I absolutely love it. Pure joyous filmmaking. Plus, it looks absolutely incredible!
Detroit Metal City (Live Action) -- 5/10

A turbo nerd leaves his sleepy rural life behind for the lights of metropolitan Tokyo. He dreams of pop stardom, but after a series of farcical accidents ends up in a death metal band, and his reign as the 'demon emperor' begins. The protagonist's two core identities become rather hard to reconcile in his pursuit of popular recognition and an ordinary life off-stage. Utter trash, but sometimes amusing. Not as good as the anime.
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