What film did you watch last night?

Sing (2016) - 6/10

Strong animation and use of music throughout, but very contrived and formulaic from the start.

The middle is relatively boring as it goes through the motions and the characters develop, but the ending is great with some amazing set pieces and good gags.
A Street Cat Called Bob.

Actually enjoyed this more than I thought - SWMBO already read the book but I hadn't.

Obviously "glammed" up the homeless life a bit and, not knowing too much about the intricacies of the welfare state, was struggling to understand how the authorities (reluctantly) gave this guy who wanted to clean up, a flat, methadone treatment but then left him on his own to pay for food. Further discussion of that for GD or SC, but it did strike me as odd.

The other slightly puzzling aspect was why they used the real "Bob" in the movie rather than a stand-in or stunt double. If I'd gone through what the guy had with the cat I'd be extremely protective and not want it going anywhere near a location where it could be in danger.

Nevertheless a feel-good and at times thought provoking watch - 9/10.
Interstellar 7/10 - really enjoyable upto the half way mark, then loses the plot a bit, especially at the end.

The Martian 7/10 - pretty good all-round sci-fi, Matt Damon is Matt Damon.

Star Wars Force Awakens 6/10 - I actually don't like this film as much as I wish I did. It felt like a bad rehash of A New Hope. I love the OT, but this felt weak. Not seen Rogue One yet, but first impressions look as though I may enjoy that more.
Hell or High Water 7.5/10

V good. The Dude rides again.

Fantastic Beasts 8/10

If you like Harry potter you'll like this. Main actor was good. Reminded me of that young eccentric chap with the hair who played Dr Who
The Godzilla film from a few years ago.

Reckon it was alright myself. I don't dislike the 98 film, but in truth Gareth Edwards vision is far the better film.

Seem to remember at the time it took some flak for a lack of monster bashing, couldn't see it myself.
Logan (2017) - 8/10

A darker and more personal take on the X-Men universe, with a strong setting and dystopian atmosphere showing how times have changed.

The action scenes are fast paced, bloody and brutal, but the story isn’t that great and the supporting cast vary in quality.

A moving and fitting ending with great leads who show real human emotion and struggle in strife.
So is that the end for wolverine now? No more appearances?

Not from Jackman, though I believe both he and Stewart said they would only come back if X-Men became part of the MCU, which doesn't seem likely as Fox are still managing to turn out okay movies based on the Marvel IPs.

Rumours are Tom Hardy being lined up to play Wolverine, but I don't think much of his American accent, so I don't know if he'll work as a Canadian Logan.
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