What film did you watch last night?

10 Cloverfield Lane - 4/5 - Really well structured, gripping and entertaining, John Goodman was superb. The ending was a a bit of a pandoras box though.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 - List rather than review:-

Fantastic soundtrack - yep
Stunning effects - yep
Superb one liners - yep
Good chemistry - yep
Completely original and unexpected - no

That is the only fault with GOTG2 has over GOTG, but apart from that it is more of the same, in a good way. 4/5

I would echo what Krooton said though, the mass murder for comedy was more than a little off. It should get a bonus point for the UK getting it a week before the US too.
Live by Night - 5/10 - The "same old story" we've seen told before of a "Gangsters rise to power" which TBH has been done much better in Once Upon a Time in America, yet this version felt far too long for the story it told. Ben Affleck was charming and brutal, Chris Messina was very good as his No2, Sienna Miller & Zoe Saldana were OK but nothing special but the smaller bit part characters played by Elle Fanning, Brendan Gleeson and Robert Glennister were extremely good in the limited scenes they had. Affleck as a director filmed some stunning scenes amongst the many boring parts but as a scriptwriter he didn't do as well and most of it needed a decent editor to cut through the dross and find the 1:30hr film that the material deserved.

Patriots Day - 8/10 - The semi-documentary style film covering the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. I love documentaries so I found this much better than say someone who wanted to watch a "movie" instead. The use of real CCTV/images mixed in with the movie footage also helped with immersion. Virtually all the cast did a good job of portraying those real life people who are interviewed at the end (Wahlbergs character is fictional). I remember Reddit/4Chan at the time going nuts after finding various people they said were the bombers so it was good to see (if this is a true version) how the FBI came to find the right people despite all the web-noise being generated.

Mine - 0/10 - I lasted 10 mins before switching it off after the 5th-6th "story written by someone non-military and not reviewed by someone who is/was" mistake. If you are going to make a "war" film please for the love of God get someone in the same Military service that you are portraying to look over the script, as they will gladly stop you making so many bloody stupid mistakes. I mean I "know" it's a film and very few people are going to even notice but it just amazes me that obvious stupid things still make it into a movie, for example the Spotter calling the target 917 yards, then the next second hip-fired AK-47 rounds (max effective range 400m) are impacting their OP, or both guys just throwing their weapons off a 10ft cliff so that their hands can be free when they jump off it themselves, or a suppressor hiding the sound of a shot 10ft away from a bad guy etc - AAAAARRRRRRGGGGH just make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111ONEONE!!111!!!!!!! :D
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High Rise

Had to turn it off after 5 minutes. I just can't stand Tom Hiddleston, and the style of the film didn't appeal at all. Which is a pity because A Field in England was my film of 2013.

Varsity Blues

I'm not really into sports dramas but have always liked this. Just a nice simple middle America story, with an all round excellent cast.

You turned off High Rise after 5 minutes? I don't understand why you'd even bother starting for that.

I started watching it based on liking Ben Wheatley's previous film, but soon realised it wasn't going to be much cop. It's a film that isn't well represented in screenshots and has a nauseating video feel to it, similar to Cosmopolis (which I also turned off after 5 mins) and Jupiter Ascending. Besides that I find Tom Hiddleston totally unconvincing as a lead actor and glad he didn't get the Bond role.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 8/10 - A much more mature and emotional film than the first but still retains the bits we loved about the first GotG. Split into 3 defined sections, the 1st is the comedy/set-up section which was very much like the first, the 2nd was all about character arc's and backstory and 3rd section is the usual CGI-fest finale but with a very surprising amount of heart and possibly the best "after the battle has ended" section that I've seen in the Marvel Universe so far. The cameos where especially nice and well done I thought and it maybe nice to see a bit more of those characters in future.
London has Fallen

Not as bad as I was expecting. Crap. But not utter crap and kinda watchable pulp action nonsense. Not as good as first one in the series.

Found it funny when Butler teamed up with SAS guys as he ended up speaking in his own Scottish accent along with the lead SAS officer. I think they gave up any sense of continuity by that point. He may as well have been an SAS guy really.

Lucky Number Slevin...wife hadn't scene it, seemed to remember it was good without remembering much about it, it was bloody good, an easy 8/10.
One of my top films of all time without a doubt. The film (for me) just has EVERYTHING.

Amazing cast. Great characters. Fantastic story. It has comedy, action, suspense, romance all whilst overall being a revenge movie. It's very clever and makes you think, then the twist at the end is superb. I also love the constant play on words.

"I'm not the guy you're looking for"

"Do you know who I am looking for?"


"Then how do you know you're not the guy"

Absolutely brilliant.

Seen it an unhealthy amount of times and still enjoy it every time. :)
Margin Call

I'd never heard of it before and only watched it as it followed the snooker final. A good solid film that follows the lead up to the financial crash

Zardoz (6/10)
Connery at his best? Quite a bizarre sci-fi romp, but I suppose there were quite a few that came out in the 70s. You would have to be really baked to appreciate this in all its glory.
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