Hacksaw Ridge - 3/10 - Woah controversial score there isn't it, well I'm sorry but it just has too many huge issues for me. So, I love war films and therefore I was expecting the 1st half of the film (him growing up, boot-camp etc) to be a bit slow and the 2nd half (the war bits) to be amazing, considering the Director and the material he was working with but holy hell was I wrong. I actually preferred the "build up" 1st half because the 2nd "war" half was awful. Let me explain, remember when Saving Private Ryan came out and it brought a new age of gritty realistic war movies which stunned and shocked audiences, and then shortly afterwards Windtalkers with Nic Cage came out which was a massive throw-back to the bad old 70's/80's days of never ending ammo, petrol-based firey explosions everywhere, enemies being mown down in droves by an unaiming "hero" etc and remember how badly it bombed in the theatre? Well the "War" half of Hacksaw Ridge goes back to those bad old days again, only with 10 tons of crappy CGI replacing the vast majority the practical bullet effects so nothing actually looks real except for a few amputees. It's like Mel Gibson hasn't realised that the world has moved on and War films now need realism for people to believe in them and this film fails spectacularly in that regard. You see the enemy and the US Marine "extra's" over there with bullet holes the size of a fist when they get shot, but when a cast "good guy" gets hit they just get a small hole and a bit of blood. You see those 16in naval shells tearing the ridge apart, well our hero can just run through those "petrol bomb" explosions no problem while hundreds of enemy are vaporised etc. God, there's so many bad throw-back moments to crappy war films that I really struggled to watch it in the end which I found to be a massive shame as the real story is absolutely heroic!
I liked a few of the shots Gibson used (close up of a Thompson sub-machine gun firing, Japanese generals committing Seppuku etc), the love story in the beginning was worked out well without being too cloying and I though Andrew Garside did a fantastic job but I think if the 2nd half had been filmed in a more modern way it would have been much more harrowing and much better for it!