What film did you watch last night?

Get Out, loved it start to finish.
Won't say loads for fear of spoilers but following Logan and Arrival as recent stand out movies it's nothing like them but equally well acted and shot if more frivolous.

Edge Of Tomorrow 8/10

Love this film, the first half is probably the best and i can't imagine anyone else being able to play this better than Tom.
The only thing that lets it down for me is the alien design but hey you can't have everything and its a very solid sci-fi film that also pulls of being humorous.

Gone Baby, Gone 6.5/10

Above average kidnap film. i think the dilemma at the end is what raises it up a little for me. my answer is in the spoiler

I would have left the girl for a better upbringing
Dunkirk 9/10 easily.
One of the best "war" films I think I've ever seen.

We still kill the old way - 6.5/10
Old time London Gangsters end up getting involved in dealing with a modern gang of thugs.
Enjoyable film sort of like Harry Brown but with a bunch of retired criminals who get drawn back into things.
It's even got DI Burnside! (Christopher Ellison) who is possibly less of a criminal character in this than he was in the Bill:p
If you've got a poundland* near you it may be in the Blu-Ray selection :) (ours had loads for a while).

Finding Dory - 7/10
Fun to watch, lovely animation and good characters but not quite the same charm as Finding Nemo (although I loved Hank).

*I've been making a point of checking in ours whenever I'm in the town centre, the selection varies wildly but there are some fun titles (and some I've been looking for cheap for a while have shown up).
Get Out, loved it start to finish.
Won't say loads for fear of spoilers but following Logan and Arrival as recent stand out movies it's nothing like them but equally well acted and shot if more frivolous.


Watched this last week.

I kind of guessed where this was going fairly early on but it was a great movie.

Valerian - Thoroughly enjoyed it, went in knowing nothing about it nor seen any reviews. Some breath taking visual graphics and decent build up with stunning action sequences. Luc really out did himself, always been a Fifth Element fan but this took it to another level. CGI is one the best I have seen in a while (Rihanna sequence was great). One of the weakness was the male lead, he didn't come across as very charismatic or even likeable. Nevertheless it ticked all boxes for me. 9/10.
Still trying to watch Alien Covenant, it would need a phenomenal middle/end of the film to make it to 5/10, currently about 1.5/10, taken about three sittings to get maybe 30-40mins in. It's shockingly bad, in a lot of horror you have the stupid guy who does the wrong thing at every turn but this entire thing is absolutely crazy. Every single thing every single character is doing is the worst possible thing anyone would ever do in this situation. It's just insanely bad writing where those colony ship has been left in command of literally the stupidest crew alive.

A good film is one in which a smart crew gets stuck in bad situations, this is just extreme professional competitive class idiots making every decision possible to make sure they are in trouble. After 10-15 mins each time I've gotten so frustrated at the film I've given up.
Hacksaw Ridge - 7/10.

Enjoyable film and amazing that it was based on true life events. 75 people!!

I did find that the action was a little 'comical' for the lack of a better description, and some of the effects seemed a little low budget though.
Also, I'm still not sure i'm sold on Andrew Garfield as a serious actor, and don't get me started on Vince Vaughn, thought he was going to go into Dodgeball/Rip Torn mode when doing his drill sergeant routine! :o
Manchester by the sea - 2/10

Seriously...my god...maybe I just wasn't in the right mood but dear lord...
Still trying to watch Alien Covenant, it would need a phenomenal middle/end of the film to make it to 5/10, currently about 1.5/10, taken about three sittings to get maybe 30-40mins in. It's shockingly bad, in a lot of horror you have the stupid guy who does the wrong thing at every turn but this entire thing is absolutely crazy. Every single thing every single character is doing is the worst possible thing anyone would ever do in this situation. It's just insanely bad writing where those colony ship has been left in command of literally the stupidest crew alive.

A good film is one in which a smart crew gets stuck in bad situations, this is just extreme professional competitive class idiots making every decision possible to make sure they are in trouble. After 10-15 mins each time I've gotten so frustrated at the film I've given up.

It's drink o'clock, I'd say!

Though a broader point could be made that possibly the writing just portrays an element of psychology of people being rubbish under pressure in an unfamiliar environment. A set of experiences which gets rationalised after the fact. Let's make it realistic and see if it's good cinema, in other words.
Well, it's not realistic and is very bad cinema where as most of the best films I can think of have people who react more normally. There are so many points where they aren't directly under any pressure and yet do the worst thing possible without a moments discussion or thought. One of the only things they thought about for more than 5 seconds, they ended up making the obviously wrong choice on. It's just unbelievably stupid.

Either way, when humans are put under pressure, they react on more base instincts, unknown planet with crazy storm and exactly no need to rush at all...... humans shy away from danger, they are fearful and the scared stupid human option would be to hang around and see what happens. Pretty much every base human scared and stupid instinct is to pretty much do the opposite of everything I've seen in the film so far.
Well, it's not realistic and is very bad cinema where as most of the best films I can think of have people who react more normally. There are so many points where they aren't directly under any pressure and yet do the worst thing possible without a moments discussion or thought. One of the only things they thought about for more than 5 seconds, they ended up making the obviously wrong choice on. It's just unbelievably stupid.

Either way, when humans are put under pressure, they react on more base instincts, unknown planet with crazy storm and exactly no need to rush at all...... humans shy away from danger, they are fearful and the scared stupid human option would be to hang around and see what happens. Pretty much every base human scared and stupid instinct is to pretty much do the opposite of everything I've seen in the film so far.

Depends who was consulting on the film. Then years of movie logic to rail against. 'Well everyone writes this way, so I'm going to write it the silly way - money!' I'm more interested in the Engineer, ever more cray-cray subplot!
Dunkirk the other night, I thought it was amazing.

9/10 for me, stand out film of the year.

Alien Covenant, yeah this was rubbish imo, answered nothing interesting and I just don't like how they did it. Could see twists coming miles off and omg that crew was dumb.

4/10 as it looked pretty at times.
It's drink o'clock, I'd say!

Though a broader point could be made that possibly the writing just portrays an element of psychology of people being rubbish under pressure in an unfamiliar environment. A set of experiences which gets rationalised after the fact. Let's make it realistic and see if it's good cinema, in other words.

People get trained for that, or else you wouldn't send them, because otherwise they would all die stupidly. If you would act more intelligently than the film's characters, then you know they've just been made stupid for effect and because the film makers have been lazy to make the story roll along the way they want it.
Watched The Circle the other night - what a pointless and poorly thought out film!!!

I usually like Tom Hanks but his character was horribly written and I think you'll struggle to find a worse piece of casting than Emma Watson for the main character (except maybe John Boyega's that is!)

On to definitely avoid in my humble opinion - 3/10 (being generous!)
Rewatched Oblivion last night. Still really like that film, the way it's shot and the soundtrack (by M83 if anyone cares) really do it for me.
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