What film did you watch last night?

I don't think it's necessarily attention seeking to say you think the godfather films are boring.
Nor is it a problem if you (like me) find pride and prejudice a bit boring.

If you rate them the same as fifty shades or the happening you are likely seeking attention though, in 43 years time the likelihood is that the happenings ratings will be even lower than 5.0 (on average) as for 50 shades making it through a few hundred years and be well regarded, I'll leave it up to your own estimation.

The whole "pure personal opinion" approach is a little infantile, I similarly find Pink Floyd boring I personally wouldn't rate them the same as Daphne and Celest due to that though, they are liked by and influence bands I do like, in the same way that Goodfella's probably wouldn't exist as is without the Godfather.
Cruel Summer

A low budget British thriller about three chavs finding an autistic boy and doing some nasty things to him. It reminded me a bit of the BBC documentary Murdered for Being Different as it did have a similar theme and was quite brutal. It's on Now TV movies if anyone wants to watch it.
It follows - 1/10. Turned it off about half way in. Actually lost interest half an hour in. Story poor, acting poor, film poor. The worst "horror" films i have seen in ages
Nor is it a problem if you (like me) find pride and prejudice a bit boring.

If you rate them the same as fifty shades or the happening you are likely seeking attention though, in 43 years time the likelihood is that the happenings ratings will be even lower than 5.0 (on average) as for 50 shades making it through a few hundred years and be well regarded, I'll leave it up to your own estimation.

The whole "pure personal opinion" approach is a little infantile, I similarly find Pink Floyd boring I personally wouldn't rate them the same as Daphne and Celest due to that though, they are liked by and influence bands I do like, in the same way that Goodfella's probably wouldn't exist as is without the Godfather.
But what is the point of rating things if you can only rate them in line with popular opinion? And what is popular opinion but a collective assessment of personal opinions/ratings?
A Monster Calls - So many plus points to this, amazing visuals and sound; powerful performances, especially from the young Lewis MacDougall; very melancholy story, a notable voice contribution from Liam Neeson as the Monster.

Didn't feel Sigourney Weaver fitted properly in her role though and I'm also not sure if I actually enjoyed it, which is confusing as I can't put my finger on why I'm thinking this.
The revenant 8/10

Enjoyed it a lot but not something I could watch again. I'm not sure why Tom hardy gets rated so highly as he let the film down for me but Leo did a great job as usual and just seems to fit into what ever role he's put into.
But what is the point of rating things if you can only rate them in line with popular opinion? And what is popular opinion but a collective assessment of personal opinions/ratings?

A somewhat black and white either/or position which seems mostly unrelated to my statements.

I'm not arguing "popular opinion" is the only opinion that matters, I did say it's significant when a movie from over 4 decades ago is highly rated in a modern mass rating system and someone downgrades the result by rating it around half the value of the many, it suggests someone probably is/was over egging the pudding.

Sure I/You could rate pink Floyd as equivalent to Daphne and Celest (no one has prevented anyone expressing opinions).
If I do that (and I'd be tempted because they go on and on and are usually dull imho), I suspect some/many would think I was either taking the micky (as I did with nitefly) or being an internet attention seeker.

But don't let my comments stop you, You defend the fast and furious all the way to the grave my good sir. The current mediocre rating from the masses (6.7) is the worst place to be IMHO, if I made a film I'd rather it got 5 or below from the masses than mid 6's, that sort of score is likely a true (in that case deserved) kiss of death.

If you really don't get on with something artistic I'd advise giving it a lowish mediocre score, its the worst thing you could say about a piece of art, I don't hate it I don't love it.
For example, the fast and furious, its a passable movie with some novel actions scenes and standard holywood quality actors and story, it's not awful 6.1/10 from me :)
Dunkirk. Relentless, merciless, oppressive. LOUD. The action told the story, you could have almost done it without dialogue or explanation. The blended timelines worked well.

The Mrs is terrified of drowning and always has nightmares about it. She'll not sleep tonight!
Your Name. (Kimi No Na Wa.)

Finally got around to see this, FINALLY!

Love it, I laughed, I almost cried, it's touching, it is melancholic with a modern twist yet has plenty of traditional Japanese intricacies to add to that charm.
Your Name. (Kimi No Na Wa.)

Finally got around to see this, FINALLY!

Love it, I laughed, I almost cried, it's touching, it is melancholic with a modern twist yet has plenty of traditional Japanese intricacies to add to that charm.

Great film, had a real impact on me and I'm looking forward to watching it again soon :)
Great film, had a real impact on me and I'm looking forward to watching it again soon :)

It really lingers in my mind too, I watched Game of Thrones right before that and then today it's all I can think about.

Promptly ordered the 4k Bluray direct from Japan…
A few recent watches

Beauty and the beast 10/10
it was done so well, so many memories, just plain loved it

Alien covenant 1/10
Worst film I've ever seen in cinema (was a while back). Downright terrible. If I hadn't have been with friends I would have left.
Worst film for me out of the whole franchise. And I like cheesy sci first films. The characters were poor and idiots
Never actually seen a film in cinema I didn't enjoy in some form.

Resident evil last chapter - 4/10
As said, I like cheesy films but the series should have been cut after 3. Not much to say except it was dull and predictable.

Star wars Force Awakens - 7/10
Good film, solid, not as good as rogue one imo though

Guardians 2 - 7/10
Great film but I think I preferred number 1

War for planet of the apes - 8/10
Really enjoyable film. Makes a rare find having a remake trilogy that is solid throughout. Great story arc. Wasn't expecting it to be good. Caesar acting was brilliant

Doctor strange - 7/10
Enjoyed it quite a lot. Just one of those sit back and watch films. Gf wasn't so keen. All the fantasy and magic appeals.
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