What film did you watch last night?

The Lost City of Z 5/10

I really wanted to like this as the premise seemed really interesting. I have no idea how they managed to make it such a slog to watch though...perhaps the casting (Hunnam wasn't great), perhaps the somewhat overlong story which jumped all over the place but felt padded, or maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. Overall I feel like it was a wasted opportunity.

The Lost City of Z 3/5
could have been a lot lot better as the fella above me said, amazing story but they made a meal of it.

Kong: Skull Island 1/5
Dear god this was bad, things started off ok I guess but took a nose dive real quick by the time Jackson was introduced and thats like only the 5 or 6th scene in...
A somewhat black and white either/or position which seems mostly unrelated to my statements.

I'm not arguing "popular opinion" is the only opinion that matters, I did say it's significant when a movie from over 4 decades ago is highly rated in a modern mass rating system and someone downgrades the result by rating it around half the value of the many, it suggests someone probably is/was over egging the pudding.

Sure I/You could rate pink Floyd as equivalent to Daphne and Celest (no one has prevented anyone expressing opinions).
If I do that (and I'd be tempted because they go on and on and are usually dull imho), I suspect some/many would think I was either taking the micky (as I did with nitefly) or being an internet attention seeker.

Well the purpose of the rating is your opinion, not your opinion In relation to others. I don't see why it should be viewed as attention seeking if you go against the grain.
For example, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, I HATED that film, I thought it was so incredibly boring, I hated the whole ballet fight scenes...terrible film, 2/10. That makes it a lot worse than a lot of other films which everyone no doubt thinks were far more awful. I am not trying to get attention, nor am I taking the micky, the film was **** and I would not recommend it to anyone.

The fact it may be a popular film doesn't stop me from giving my rating, the only thing it may do is cause me to add a caveat - so for example, with the above film, while I hated it and would not actively recommend anyone to watch it, I would point out that the large majority seem to like it and so they shouldn't take my word as gospel.

Another example would be Equilibrium - a not particularly popular film that for whatever reason I really enjoyed and would happily give a strong 7.5/10. So yeah, a whole 5.5 points more than CTHD
Well the purpose of the rating is your opinion, not your opinion In relation to others. I don't see why it should be viewed as attention seeking if you go against the grain.
For example, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, I HATED that film, I thought it was so incredibly boring, I hated the whole ballet fight scenes...terrible film, 2/10. That makes it a lot worse than a lot of other films which everyone no doubt thinks were far more awful. I am not trying to get attention, nor am I taking the micky, the film was **** and I would not recommend it to anyone.

The fact it may be a popular film doesn't stop me from giving my rating, the only thing it may do is cause me to add a caveat - so for example, with the above film, while I hated it and would not actively recommend anyone to watch it, I would point out that the large majority seem to like it and so they shouldn't take my word as gospel.

Another example would be Equilibrium - a not particularly popular film that for whatever reason I really enjoyed and would happily give a strong 7.5/10. So yeah, a whole 5.5 points more than CTHD
Heh. I'd flip your ratings :D CTHD is great, Equilibrium is awful!
For example, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, I HATED that film, I thought it was so incredibly boring, I hated the whole ballet fight scenes...terrible film, 2/10. That makes it a lot worse than a lot of other films which everyone no doubt thinks were far more awful. I am not trying to get attention, nor am I taking the micky, the film was **** and I would not recommend it to anyone.

I'm with you there. To me it was snooze fest, long, strange dialogs, with really terrible special (d)effects ie. people obviously dangling on strings and not even trying - just moving their feet faster than pace, like in a cartoon where road runner keeps running in the same spot for a second before he gets a grip and shoots off. The movie came out like couple of years after Matrix - kung fu visual special effects were at their peak by then - The whole "that's the type of myth, where people run in the air and fight on tree tops" - just bizarre. To the point where for months I honestly thought it was like an inner joke - that everyone was recommending CTHD ironically, the way you would later recommend The Room (not 'Room' with Brie Larson, 'The Room' with Tommy 'oh hi Mark' Wiseau). You know "dude, you have to see Crouching Tiger, nothing makes sense, these people fight on strings, plot is made by like 12 years old kid carpet playing with toys". And then it got Oscar nomination and I was like "well, that's an inside joke taken somewhat too far...". Seriously, not for a second have I thought people were actually serious about that movie.

So, imagine my surprise when I discovered this year that not only Tommy Wiseau and the Room got their movie about movie with Franco brothers + Rogen and Efron for autumn release, but there was Crouching Tiger sequel released last year. Whaaaaaat?
THis is why I don't do ratings anymore. People are giving out these numbers as a reference how much they enjoyed them, not giving much merit in many things such as acting, story, script, music, etc.

Also, if you seen a movie that it was so bad it is 0/10, later on you seen something worse, what is it now? -1/10? Since if you give it 0/10 then it's equal, not worse.
I don't know what it was, but GotG v2 just didn't do it for me. It was very pretty, had lots of one liners, a decent enough story/character development and plenty of action, but it just felt like something was missing.

Probably just me...
Superb. I can't really add much more than has already been said. Proper feels as the spitfires flew overhead for the first time.
GotG 2 - as above - looked nice and first half was very good, but it just seemed to fizzle out. It only got interesting again during the final battle. But still a good movie 7.5/10

Ghost in the Shell - another one that looked visually stunning, but the story was predictable (yes, i know it's comic based) and bad guy was meh 6/10.
In keeping with the other thread about terrible films you enjoy (Natural Disasters for me!) I watched San Andreas. Plot as thin as possible, CGI was so bad it was funny and all the predictable tropes were trotted out and in some cases flipped. Good way to kill 2 hours when I'm tired!

5/10 (mostly for the boobs :p)
Well the purpose of the rating is your opinion, not your opinion In relation to others. I don't see why it should be viewed as attention seeking if you go against the grain.
Rate anyway you like, I don't live in an empathy vacuum and I understand the value of artistic merit beyond my own personal entertainment! I'm no fan but claiming fifty shades is on apar with pride and prejudice would be idiotic attention seeking.

As I said mediocre ratings are a true kiss of death, a 2 out of 10 from you based on crouching tiger and I'm interested 6.1 for a fast and furious is going no where!

I'd give moll flanders a 9.1 and pride and prejudice a 7.9, you do it any way you like, but if you want to say crouching tiger is 2/10 expect people to ask if you're taking the ****!
Atomic blonde .

Very good , loved the style of the film . 8/10

I thought it was okay, far too confusing for its own good. And what's with the ending sequence after ending sequences….it's not a 3 movie epic LOTR trilogy….

Anyway, it was entertaining, kept me guessing but I found the music was distracting than actually what they are trying to do, evoke the 80's feeling. It was way too over powering.

And I hated the structure, from minute one you know she is going to be fine since the entire movie is told as a flashback from a debriefing…..so you know she'll live which takes away any tension in every fight scene in the movie.
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A bit by the by, When I use a X/10 rating I've always thought of it as non linear/logarithmic scale.
others may not think this way but I like to imagine movies in the high 8s and 9s having genuine long term potential to be valued artistically.

At no point have I prevented anyone grading anyway they like, if anything said challenges your world view, I feel bad for you son, I got 9.9 problems but the happening aint one :)
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