What film did you watch last night?

Thor 2, Ironman 2, Avengers 2 and GotG 2, all worse than their predecessors. Only one that has so far bucked the trend that I'm aware of, is Winter Soldier.

True though at least Iron Man 2 was better than the utter travesty that was Iron Man 3.

For me if a film gets into the 8 + area then its great and it has some special quality about it that will probably mean i will buy or watch it again. If its a good film but not great i usuall give it between 7-8. Not many get into the 8+

Also Shawshank Redemption 7/10 decent film but massively overrated. Green Mile was far far better (8/10)
7/10 for me and looking forward to what comes next.

As low as my score was, I did actually sit through the whole thing. Which is a bit odd. It is strangely compelling, but I think there's a problem when a Japanese Godzilla movie has even less Godzilla in it than the American one :D
So typical Marvel fare when it comes to the second film then. :p

Thor 2, Ironman 2, Avengers 2 and GotG 2, all worse than their predecessors. Only one that has so far bucked the trend that I'm aware of, is Winter Soldier.

To be fair, it isn't really a Marvel issue, it's an everybody problem - how many sequels can you think of that were better/on par with the original?
Spiderman 2 (apparently, I wasn't a big fan but it seems to be seen as the favorite of them all)?
The Dark Knight?
Lord of the Rings 2?
Winter Soldier
Lethal Weapon 2

By all accounts, I would argue Marvel are actually not doing to badly on the hit rate of their sequels (the fact even one is better means they make it on a limited list).
When you also consider a list of when sequels were bad films when the first was decent (Matrix 2, Fast and Furious 2, MIB 2, most horror movies, etc.) Marvel are doing incredibly well as most their sequels, while not as good, still tend to score in the 'yeah it was a decent film' category.
True, I know it's rare to get a sequel that's as good as or betters it's prequel. It was a tongue in cheek dig at Marvel in response the easyrider's comment that GotG2 was totally inferior to GotG.

And yes, they do do a decent job in all honesty, when many sequels are far worse than the prequel.
I don't know what it was, but GotG v2 just didn't do it for me. It was very pretty, had lots of one liners, a decent enough story/character development and plenty of action, but it just felt like something was missing.

Probably just me...

The 'bad guy' sucked, it was a weak film because the bad guys reasoning was stupid and he was utterly all powerful but couldn't deal with a few guys fannying around trying to kill him.

They made Baptista very boring overall, reacting the same way to almost everything. There were few if any of the wittier ways to use his characters strange reactions as in the first film(nothing goes over my head, I'm too fast, I would catch it) kind of banter, it was all over the top in your face things. It all felt pretty dumbed down and not least the bad guy had no depth to him, there was no reasoning and again he was far too powerful as shown early in the film yet later in the film he struggled to deal with them on his home turf where he should be effectively invincible.

One of the reasons the first film was so good and stood above maybe all other Marvel films, was the bad guy's hatred was explained, he was working for Thanos for a sensible reason, Thanos wants something and promises to help, forgot his name now, the guy destroy the planet of the people he hates. Then the twist makes sense because he realises the stone would give him the power to destroy the planet and put him on par with Thanos power wise so why give that power away. He then goes to destroy a planet and the fight made some level of sense throughout. Even the end after the crash, he wasn't monologuing in that awful way that lets them be defeated, he was genuinely distracted by Starlord acting so strange, he was comedic but felt much better than him trying to give them a speech as happens in almost every other film.

Vol 2 felt rushed and absolutely no where near the quality level of the first film, the writing was no where near as good, the jokes were no where near as good, the villain was utterly terrible, the action was pretty poor throughout. If I'd give the first film 8-8.5/10, this gets 6-6.5/10, maybe less. I think it was so much more disappointing because of how good the first film was by comparison.

Intro was kinda cool then I thought the God dad was maybe a bit too early in the series, assuming more films of course, but then the odd bit of humour slotted in the action brought it back round again towards the end.


GotG1 was more of a 9/10 for me because I wasn't expecting it to be such a refreshingly good new film series start.
One of the reasons the first film was so good and stood above maybe all other Marvel films, was the bad guy's hatred was explained, he was working for Thanos for a sensible reason, Thanos wants something and promises to help, forgot his name now, the guy destroy the planet of the people he hates. Then the twist makes sense because he realises the stone would give him the power to destroy the planet and put him on par with Thanos power wise so why give that power away. He then goes to destroy a planet and the fight made some level of sense throughout. Even the end after the crash, he wasn't monologuing in that awful way that lets them be defeated, he was genuinely distracted by Starlord acting so strange, he was comedic but felt much better than him trying to give them a speech as happens in almost every other film.

I'm not sure you can ever argue convincingly that the original Guardians of the Galaxy villain was well written though. Maybe his motivation was a little clearer, but like a lot of Marvel villains, he was was one of the weaker aspects of the movie.

Best villains are: Loki, Modern-day hydra and ummm....Avengers vs Avengers!
I'm not sure you can ever argue convincingly that the original Guardians of the Galaxy villain was well written though. Maybe his motivation was a little clearer, but like a lot of Marvel villains, he was was one of the weaker aspects of the movie.

Best villains are: Loki, Modern-day hydra and ummm....Avengers vs Avengers!

Best villain is still Kilgrave.
I'm not sure you can ever argue convincingly that the original Guardians of the Galaxy villain was well written though. Maybe his motivation was a little clearer, but like a lot of Marvel villains, he was was one of the weaker aspects of the movie.

Best villains are: Loki, Modern-day hydra and ummm....Avengers vs Avengers!

That's funny because I think Loki is an awful villain, oh no, I was never in line to be king as Thor was always the one who was supposed to be king, you treat me great but damn you, I really wanted to be king of an ice planet of blue people with no power.... I'm so mad I'm going to use my super powers to basically be absolutely rubbish despite the ability to make people see whatever I want being so overpowered it's crazy. Honestly I don't even know what Loki's actual powers are, that's how well explained he is, he's a trickster, it's magic? DO the blue people all have magic, if not why does he. Can he only create illusions or can his illusions do damage and if he can make people see whatever he wants and not actually see him, how can he ever be caught... like, ever? He's got the worst reasoning, the least explained abilities to the point I literally don't even know what they are(do his illusions have mass, can his projections cause harm and interact with things, harm things or not?) and he should be basically unbeatable.

Hydra is cheap tacky writing, we beat hydra... oh wait look, they're over there. When they want to... they manage to spot these enterprises, find all these people and take them down but over the past 50 years they couldn't find them at all, every time you cut off one head, another head becomes magically visible and they have tech/knowledge beyond Shield and have had decades to prepare but always get beaten. It's just cheap hack writing and the big hydra bad guys, I wasn't a fan of the red skull but that whole film was weak.

Avengers vs Avengers was more painfully weak crap, bad action sequences, lets keep them from that jet we could just blow up.....wait a second. THe reasoning for the split was weak, the shoving of extra guys into the fight was weak. I mean, you can do that film with the same basic premise but a fight to reach a jet, that is what made the avengers fight each other, that was genuinely pathetic.
I'm not sure you can ever argue convincingly that the original Guardians of the Galaxy villain was well written though. Maybe his motivation was a little clearer, but like a lot of Marvel villains, he was was one of the weaker aspects of the movie.

Agree with this.
I thought Ronan was a terrible villain and the worst part of the film.
In fairness, at least his motivation made more sense than v2's villain though.

Don't agree with easyrider (nothing new there :D) about v2 having no heart or humanity. Star Lord, Rocket, Gamora, Nebula and Yondu's arcs had plenty of both.
While it was very pretty, the action was a bit OTT and physics went right out of the window in proper The Hobbit style. It was too much, too drawn out and got boring as a result. I guess it'll look amazing in 4K HDR on an OLED for home theater demo goodness at least (if you have such a set up).

Do agree with drunkenmaster regarding the humour/constant one-liners. It was a bit over-written/try hard tbh, but then I usually prefer a drier, less in your face kind of comedy. That really is a matter of individual taste, I guess. A lot of people love that kind of stuff, so I can't fault it too hard for that.
Overdrive (2017) - 3/10

Beautiful scenery, actors, weather and cars, but it’s just another shallow and derivative car heist film.

The plot is cliché ridden with everything far too convenient and smooth, except for the editing which is sloppy in some cases.

The main characters are bland with weak acting, the villains very stereotypical, and the supporting cast are unmemorable.

The chase scenes are well shot, but they aren’t very exciting, thrilling or original in the slightest.

Very reminiscent of the original Fast & Furious and Transporter, but in different ways.
Going In Style: Three old geezers decide to rob a bank after they get screwed on their pension. Nice little film full of cliches and a couple of dumb story bits, but you'll watch it because the geezers are played by Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Alan Arkin. Ann-Margret and Christopher Lloyd also get supporting roles, and there's a nice little twist at the end to keep you guessing.
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One Deadly Weekend in America (BBC iPlayer Movie)

A film about seven deadly shootings which take place during one weekend in the US.

Just... the right to bear firearms is an accident waiting to happen. We have it bad with recent nutjobs, but legalise guns, by gum it would be horrific.
xXx 3 - Return of Xander Cage - Mental Vomit/10 - In a future Britain where we may need an allowable form of torture to get info from bad guys then I submit this film as the perfect weapon. I could genuinely feel my brain cells dying as I watched this tripe. The screenwriter must have severe ADHD and an addicition to LSD, the director is "car advert" level at best, the CGI is N64 levels at times, the actors have phoned it in from a different continent and the stunts are all CGI-crap, which feels like an embarrassment to actors like Donnie Yen/Tony Jaa who only have a few basic fight scenes. Basically it's just utter dross and I genuinely thought it was done as a deliberate spoof rather than a genuine attempt at a Xander Cage film. However, if you are the sort of person who is able to zombie out and watch CGI explode for 90+ minutes without bleeding from the eyes then this film is perfect for you!
Shot Caller

It was OK. Just OK though, had a large number of stars present but the story just felt a bit, off. Mainly as it felt like the main character's journey wasn't very convincing.
You're Next

First, kudos for spelling correctly for the use of abbreviation of you are….refreshing change!

Anyway, watched this on Netflix, came out on a few recommended Top-10 list for hidden gems on a few YouTube vids. A horror thriller movie. Not bad, but not really a classic. A B-movie for sure and for what it is, it does really well and actually all the acting is solid, everything technically is well put together and I enjoyed it. If i am being picky, it wasn't scary at all.
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