What film did you watch last night?

Denial 8/10

Good film, interesting subject matter and ashamed that I don't remember anything much about the case itself. And man has Timothy Spall lost a lot of weight!
Kong Skull Island. 6/10. I really enjoyed it for what it is. It is complete nonsense but great fun.

Editing seemed bad though. At lots of points it just seemed like random scenes slapped together. Conversations just ended, action scenes just suddenly end and it was quite hard to follow some times.
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Dope - 7/10

Actually the second time I've seen it. Good story, nice feel. Pretty funny although slightly loses its way in places and shows a few clichés. Worth a watch though. Forrest Whittaker should narrate more films.
Fifth Element - 4K re-release.
Movie 7/10, 4K transfer 4/10.

A classic from the 90's with the exception of Chris Tuckers androgynous Ruby Rod, "All Night Long...", Jesus wept. Apparently the scene with the Diva was shot live at the Royal Opera House and the audience were unaware of the plan to change tempo half way through the performance. The standing ovation at the end was spontaneous, apparently.

Very disappointed in the 4K transfer, seemed to offer little over the Blu-ray. Hardly any HDR and the only scenes that seemed to take advantage of the higher resolution were those with a distant vista, slightly sharper background. This is a bit of a trend with 4K lately, publishers getting lazy and not really good enough for a premium priced so called high end product.
Fifth Element - 4K re-release.
Movie 7/10, 4K transfer 4/10.

A classic from the 90's with the exception of Chris Tuckers androgynous Ruby Rod, "All Night Long...", Jesus wept. Apparently the scene with the Diva was shot live at the Royal Opera House and the audience were unaware of the plan to change tempo half way through the performance. The standing ovation at the end was spontaneous, apparently.

Very disappointed in the 4K transfer, seemed to offer little over the Blu-ray. Hardly any HDR and the only scenes that seemed to take advantage of the higher resolution were those with a distant vista, slightly sharper background. This is a bit of a trend with 4K lately, publishers getting lazy and not really good enough for a premium priced so called high end product.

I agree. I found the 4K version quite grainy at times.
Apparently the scene with the Diva was shot live at the Royal Opera House and the audience were unaware of the plan to change tempo half way through the performance. The standing ovation at the end was spontaneous, apparently.

I love that movie, but god damn I cringe HARD during the funky diva scene.
Fifth Element is beyond criticism. It's ridiculous and absurd and perfect.

Gary Oldman hated it. He only did it because he needed Luc Besson to back Nil by Mouth.
Gifted. Chris Evans plays the reluctant guardian of his niece, played by Mckenna Grace, who is a maths genius. He's trying to give her a normal childhood, but her grandmother wants to hothouse her as a young prodigy, and isn't afraid of being underhand and going full legal in the matter. This is a deftly played, clever, and funny drama, with many emotional scenes. Evans and Grace are great together, she's a great child actress, and he's got great timing and a light touch. The supporting cast is good, particularly Lindsay Duncan as the driven grandmother who's lost one genius level child on the altar of her own unrealised ambitions, and is willing to sacrifice her estranged granddaughter too. The only disappointment is Octavia Spencer playing the same "sassy black woman" she does in everything.

Gifted is a terrific and surprising drama that just works everywhere it should.
Atomic Blonde (2017) - 8/10

Not that original, but is an entertaining experience.

Great setting and style with the 80’s music, neon punk rock and cold war atmosphere.

Theron is superb in the lead, both when acting as the spy and femme fatale with brutal and exciting fight scenes and strong acting.

Unfortunately, the plot doesn’t feel cohesive in the first half, and always feels second place to the action or the style of the film.
Kong Skull Island, it could have been improved by accepting how B movie the whole premise was/is and injecting a bit more fun, instead of the "attempt" at a war commentary.
That said a Big Ape fighting Big Lizards complete with mostly disposable humans is a pretty watchable premise; even if an awesome cast seemed wasted by the script.

Atomic Blonde 8/10
Thoroughly enjoyed it, very stylish, great music, main characters are all well acted and the action scenes are pretty decent (though a bit baddies waiting their turn to get a kicking). Story is a bit linear and there's not any great twists or surprises.

Oh and Sofia Boutella :cool:
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Thor 1 + 2: 7.5/10

I really enjoy thor. I see what some people might think they're a bit underwhelming but I love everything about the films and find them incredibly well balanced for super hero films, proabbly just lacking in the final set piece department.
Necromentia - 8/10

Pretty ****** up, my kinda thing :D but the story is a bit back and forth, if you are sort of into the cannibal holocaust / hellraiser type, then worth a watch..
Morgan - 6/10 Enjoyable film but predictable and feels like its been done before. Anya Taylor-Joy is great as usual and hot.
A Ghost Story (2017) - 6/10

Different and thought provoking, but too slow and artistic to be emotionally moving.

Great use of music and sound to compliment the simple film shots and the lead acting is good, but it lacks drama, suspense, horror and drive when trying to make its point. Also, some of the scenes are memorable, but others go on for too long.

I did want to watch this myself too but it's had/having a limited release. However on your review I may just wait for blurry/dvd release
Fifth Element is beyond criticism. It's ridiculous and absurd and perfect.

Gary Oldman hated it. He only did it because he needed Luc Besson to back Nil by Mouth.
Gary Oldman is a miserable **** who seems to hate almost everything he has been in.

Fifth Element is one of the greatest and most beautiful Sci-Fi movies ever made, and Chris Tucker played the part to perfection given the camp and outrageous tone of the movie.
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Anabelle 2 : creation 7/10

Or something like that... Creepy doll possession demon movie.
Jesus, it's exactly what you expect from this type of film. It's not great but it's creepy, jumpy and cliché scarey, well made scares and suspensive stuff.

All these conjuring spin offs are fairly ok... Bad but ok ...
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