What film did you watch last night?

Had a marathon movie night on Prime last night, got Ghost in the Shell, Kong and Logan for the bargain price of 1.99 each.

Ghost in the Shell - 7/10 - I actually rather enjoyed this, nice aesthetics, decent enough sci-fi romp. Wouldnt mind a sequel though I dont suppose it will happen.

Kong - 7/10 - Again, as above, quite enjoyed it. Liked Samuel Jacksons character, great CGI on Kong, I always like John Goodman and Shea Whigham, Brie Larson is always good eye candy, John C Reillys character was great. As someone who loves the original 1960s and 1970s asian creature features I was really glad to see some old favourites in the post credit scene and I really hope that means we will be seeing them at some point.

Logan - 5/10 - Maybe I didnt watch these films in the most ideal order, after the popcorny goodness of the first two films I found this depressing and frankly, dull and boring. I know that most people think its amazing but it really just didnt click with me at all. Maybe a second viewing (just not after watching some other films first) might help.
Dunkirk - 7/10

It's alright, but hardly the epic that it has been lauded as. Nolan has a recent habit of trying to wring out maximum drama from not that much actually going on, and this is one movie where it's more noticeable than lets say Interstellar which also has its moments. Plus I don't consider him such an emtionally subtle director and there were a few parts in the movie where things were clearly shoehorned in without making much sense such as the blind man near the end (cur the soldier saying "he wouldn't even look us in the eye". Pointless. You could also have replaced Tom Hardy with anyone and the part would have worked fine. Cillian Murphy was also a bit of a damp squib.

I will forget this movie pretty damn quickly, of that I am sure.
Dunkirk - 7/10

It's alright, but hardly the epic that it has been lauded as. Nolan has a recent habit of trying to wring out maximum drama from not that much actually going on, and this is one movie where it's more noticeable than lets say Interstellar which also has its moments. Plus I don't consider him such an emtionally subtle director and there were a few parts in the movie where things were clearly shoehorned in without making much sense such as the blind man near the end (cur the soldier saying "he wouldn't even look us in the eye". Pointless. You could also have replaced Tom Hardy with anyone and the part would have worked fine. Cillian Murphy was also a bit of a damp squib.

I will forget this movie pretty damn quickly, of that I am sure.

The point about the blind man was that the soldiers were ashamed to return home in defeat. They thought everyone was disappointed in them and assumed he wouldn't look at them until they realised the public were grateful and supportive. The blind man was likely someone who fought in WW1 and may even have been blinded in that war. That's why his comment was "That's enough" in reply to "All we did was survive".
aye - it's part of the set up leading to them being on the train and the guy banging on the window and instead of the expected abuse, he passes them beer
Alien Covenant 6/10

Wasn't bad, much better than I was expecting after seeing some of the scores on here. I was left with some questions and am looking forward to where they take it next.

I do think they cut too much of the character development out of the film though. I saw some deleted scenes where they showed the crew before going into cryosleep, which i think was a big mistake to cut. I honestly felt nothing about any of the characters as I barely knew anything about any of them.
Open Water 3 (Cage Dive) 3/10


It only had a couple of redeemable qualities :

1)Some of the shark attack footage and close encounters looks damn realistic. It had to be CGI I assume but it looked better than the likes of the Shallows etc

2)The main leading lady had a nice rack

If you have no interest in any of the above dont bother.
All the best Marvel villains have been on TV so far imo. Kilgrave, Wilson Fisk and Grant Ward.

Fisk is awesome, if they bring back ward one more time I'll quit agents of shield (shoulda happened already) as for the cheese/ham fest that is David Tennant's Kilgrave, I can only pray they don't do a wardesq shark jump and bring him back for the defenders.
A Ghost Story (2017) - 6/10

Different and thought provoking, but too slow and artistic to be emotionally moving.

Great use of music and sound to compliment the simple film shots and the lead acting is good, but it lacks drama, suspense, horror and drive when trying to make its point. Also, some of the scenes are memorable, but others go on for too long.
The point about the blind man was that the soldiers were ashamed to return home in defeat. They thought everyone was disappointed in them and assumed he wouldn't look at them until they realised the public were grateful and supportive. The blind man was likely someone who fought in WW1 and may even have been blinded in that war. That's why his comment was "That's enough" in reply to "All we did was survive".
I know, my pont was that it was done without any subtlety. It was ham fisted and largely unnecessary.
Had a marathon movie night on Prime last night, got Ghost in the Shell, Kong and Logan for the bargain price of 1.99 each.

Ghost in the Shell - 7/10 - I actually rather enjoyed this, nice aesthetics, decent enough sci-fi romp. Wouldnt mind a sequel though I dont suppose it will happen.

Kong - 7/10 - Again, as above, quite enjoyed it. Liked Samuel Jacksons character, great CGI on Kong, I always like John Goodman and Shea Whigham, Brie Larson is always good eye candy, John C Reillys character was great. As someone who loves the original 1960s and 1970s asian creature features I was really glad to see some old favourites in the post credit scene and I really hope that means we will be seeing them at some point.

Logan - 5/10 - Maybe I didnt watch these films in the most ideal order, after the popcorny goodness of the first two films I found this depressing and frankly, dull and boring. I know that most people think its amazing but it really just didnt click with me at all. Maybe a second viewing (just not after watching some other films first) might help.

I found Logan quite dull as well. Kong was better then expected
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol II - 5/10

Dear god, this was a pain to get through, rarely is a movie so annoying. It is about 100x less funny that it thinks it is, and the way the humour is delivered reminds me of the kid in school that was always trying too hard to make everyone laugh to get in with the popular crowd. So many of the lines and jokes are truly groanworthy, cringeworthy even, they just fall flat. Drax especialy is so badly written that I cant believe it got past the initial stages of editing. I can only imagine the type of people that think this movie is funny are the types who laugh a little too loudly at pretty much anything. Even Little Groot somehow manages to be annoying instead of adorable. The plot is also risible.

The first movie was much better written, and the superficial sequel proves that no matter how much budget and special effects you throw at something, a bad movie is still a bad movie.
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Fisk is awesome, if they bring back ward one more time I'll quit agents of shield (shoulda happened already) as for the cheese/ham fest that is David Tennant's Kilgrave, I can only pray they don't do a wardesq shark jump and bring him back for the defenders.

I didn't mind the latest Ward return tbh, mainly because I really liked the whole Agents of Hydra concept in general, and really bought in to it.
Don't need him back any lore though!
Last few days I've watched The Arrival again, great film. Also watched the Impossible which wasn't bad either and Poseidon which was also good.
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