What film did you watch last night?

Baywatch - I really enjoyed it, thought it would worse than it was, but I actually laughed quite a bit.

Oh and Kelly Rohrbach is easy on the eye, I'm glad I watched it. Hah.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 6.5/10

Mixed feelings on this one! When it was good it was REALLY good and had some proper belly laugh moments (Groot with the Candy for example) but then some other parts just felt like way too much CGI and some parts just felt "silly" but not in a good light hearted way...just way too corny and cheesey. Like the 700 jumps bit with the guys screaming...funny initially then...yeah...was glad when that finished!

Was glad I saw it. It isn't as good as the first one for sure but the continuation of the story was nice! Some of the one liners from Thrax were epic.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 6.5/10

Mixed feelings on this one! When it was good it was REALLY good and had some proper belly laugh moments (Groot with the Candy for example) but then some other parts just felt like way too much CGI and some parts just felt "silly" but not in a good light hearted way...just way too corny and cheesey. Like the 700 jumps bit with the guys screaming...funny initially then...yeah...was glad when that finished!

Was glad I saw it. It isn't as good as the first one for sure but the continuation of the story was nice! Some of the one liners from Thrax were epic.

I thought Drax had the greatest disservice done to him. He was hilarious in the first, but felt entirely forced in all his comedic scenes in 2.

A CIA interrogator is lured into a ruse that puts London at risk of a biological attack. Naomi Rapace is good in her role, worth a watch.

The Big Short

Enjoyed this. Liked the direction taken with the whole 'talk directly to the camera to explain what's going on' bits.

It was a really good film, and I felt much better than something similar like Margin Call. Also, Christian Bale's scleral contact lens to give him a squint was a typical Bale'ism of going the extra mile....those things are very uncomfortable!
Logan Lucky

6/10 - Missus liked it more than me, probably because it had Channing Tatum in it. The last 20 mins or so was decent but everything before that kind of dragged for me. Felt like it was trying to be more than it actually was.
Dunkirk. Really good. The music was probably a bit much - too loud and I think some silence could have been used to good effect in places but overall a good film.

The standout performance for me was the captain of the Moonstone (the little pleasure yacht).
I really have no idea why people like hans zimmer.
The Siege of Jadotville

First class war film about a little known battle in a little known conflict. Really well acted and absolutely compelling all the way through.
Guardians Vol 2.
Is to Guardians What Age of Ultron is to the Avengers a not bat but ever so slightly less good as the first followup to a great (but no classic) first film.
For me the Avengers are a point or 2 better but why split hairs?

Arrival. 9/10 thoroughly enjoyed it, wouldn't have minded if it had been just a little bit longer as it seemed to race past, which is I suppose a good sign. :D
Destroys his character? Why do you say that? I've seen both cuts several times and don't remember it being a problem.
In the theatrical cut I found Leon's character relatively innocent in his relationship with Mathilda.
The extended scenes border on creepy on a number of levels, in some cases the less said the better.

The whole idea of extended/directors cuts (excepting lotr) is full of horrible padding, over stepping nolanesq 20mins too long, or in case of Alien an idiotic attempt to show more of the image killing the fear of the unknown.

To a degree Leon extended suffers the same as Alien, don't show too much, let the audience imagine just enough, I don't want to see the rubber suit or the creepy/disturbing nature of the two characters relationship!
The whole idea of extended/directors cuts (excepting lotr) is full of horrible padding, over stepping nolanesq 20mins too long, or in case of Alien an idiotic attempt to show more of the image killing the fear of the unknown.

How did you feel about Fincher's directors cut of Alien 3? That felt superior as opposed to the slight padding of Aliens' directors cut.
Alien 3 is somewhat different to the normal director's cut. A director's cut allows the director to add footage that was cut so the film is closer the vision he or she had.

Alien 3 doesn't have a director's cut, because Fincher left before it was released. Because of the studio's constant meddling, he washed his hands of it. The home media release of Alien 3 has what's known as an assembly cut which precedes the director's cut. That was done by the studio or someone else they brought in.

Nonetheless, it is a good example of a later cut greatly improving a butchered theatrical release of a film.
American Made (2017) - 7/10

A passable but somewhat unremarkable documentary with a rather reserved (but well-acted) Tom Cruise in the lead.

The story holds your interest and covers a lot of different events, but both it and the setting have been done before and although there are some comical moments and good presentation choices, they are few & far between.
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