What film did you watch last night?

Wonder Woman

Ehh. I liked it well enough, but no more or less then the most banal of the Marvel flicks.

Despite the reasonable pacing and some pretty good direction over all, I felt the script was embarrassingly average with fairly lacklustre performances all round.

Still, this one HAD pacing as well as a competent editor unlike every other DC offering so far, so that's something at least!
Leatherface (2017) 4/10

I am a massive horror movie fan, and I do enjoy the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies (apart from the 2013 3d mess!).

A film that didn't need to be made and really adds nothing to Leatherface background.

A couple of nasty scenes (one with necrophilia) and thats all the movie really has to offer.
The snowman. 3/10

Oh jesus. It's gash. As above. I paid 13 quid to see it.
It's like the crap film you found on Netflix and left on while you do the housework.
You think you missed something but no, it's just a gaping plot hole or seemingly random, unexplained event.

Worst film for me this year good thing I only paid full freaking Swedish ripoff price.

Thank God Thor is here to cheer me up next week.
Wonder Woman : 2/10. Forgotten it already.

On the Waterfront (1956) : 8/10. From a time when they knew how to tell a story. Brando at his finest and winner of 8 Oscars.
"You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it."
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On the Waterfront (1956) : 8/10. From a time when they knew how to tell a story. Brando as his finest and winner of 8 Oscars.
"You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it."

Been meaning to watch this for yeaaaaars, think I'll finally do it sometime this week :)
Brawl in Cell Block 99, 8.5/10

Had heard nothing about this, last half hour most exciting bit of film i've seen in a couple of years. Not for the squemish though!
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