What film did you watch last night?

Get Out - 7/10

Very weird but entertaining, thought the actor who played the main character was really good!

The last one was a bit rubbish also, they have stopped putting much care into making the movies.
Did James Wan Direct this ??

Adam Robitel directed this one :(
So I dived into Netflix's own catalogue of movies to see what they have. Ended up on some dodgy looking Sci-Fi flick called Spectral.

Well it wasn't too bad. Might see what other titles are hiding in there.
Bright hasn't had very good reviews in the press though, can't see why myself because I really enjoyed it too.

I get the feeling that the film reviewing press doesn't like it because it's Netflix, yet starring a big box office movie star. Almost like they don't want Netflix taking away from the big cinema launches and press junkets.
The shape of water

It’s like a modern day fairy tale set in the 60's, it has bags of charm, it has a little jokes, it's dark, and even thrilling. The colour pallet is just great to look at, the special effects looks like it's done in camera, not in post.

The only downside is the final act is a bit predictable butI found it beautiful, engaging and worth checking out.
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The Greatest Showman 7.5/10

To be fair my score is totally boosted by the general fun, entertainment and feel good factor, had a great time watching this. Which I didn’t expect to!
I get the feeling that the film reviewing press doesn't like it because it's Netflix, yet starring a big box office movie star. Almost like they don't want Netflix taking away from the big cinema launches and press junkets.

I doubt it. They probably didn't take to it simply because it was garbage xD
the shape of water - 8/10 - really liked it, really well made. Great performances as well. Only problem is that its a bit too long - i was flagging a bit at the end.
I doubt it. They probably didn't take to it simply because it was garbage xD

Yet that doesn't seem to the overall opinion of the viewers who have given it a Rotten Tomatoes score of 87% or an IMDB score of 6.5/10 (probably closer to reality than RT IMHO) - none of which is the mark of "worst film of 2017" which has been one critics tagline.

People are always going to think differently but usually after some time has passed the "scores" will average out to a more truthful reflection of the film yet the critics 27% score is obviously so ridiculously low that I don't believe that a lot of the reviews were being honest about the film, but I don't know why that is.
Bright certainly wasn't stunning, but it had a lot of potential and was an interesting idea. The film format didn't give it enough time to breathe and was unable to cram enough "lore" in which was really my only complaint, and while the 6.5 seems reasonable, the 27% certainly doesn't. I feel like the main criticism is that didn't end up being as brooding or gritty as other buddy cop films (like the oft compared End of Watch) and they've marked it down because of the comical moments. Looks like many of the reviewers missed the mark and could actually accept the concept in the first place and were unwilling to let Bright's world flourish as a concept (poorly executed though it may be at times).
Yet that doesn't seem to the overall opinion of the viewers who have given it a Rotten Tomatoes score of 87% or an IMDB score of 6.5/10 (probably closer to reality than RT IMHO) - none of which is the mark of "worst film of 2017" which has been one critics tagline.

People are always going to think differently but usually after some time has passed the "scores" will average out to a more truthful reflection of the film yet the critics 27% score is obviously so ridiculously low that I don't believe that a lot of the reviews were being honest about the film, but I don't know why that is.

How critics view films is different to how everyone else does. Critics are de-constructionists (I think that's a word...) and educated in the art of film making (most of the time) and base there opinions on what they know about the medium. Unless a film is overly inspired, abrasively original or exceptionally well made in it's banality (of which Bright isn't), they're rarely going to give it an easy ride.

I'm not saying that one opinion is more important then another. I'm just saying that the value of criticism is wherever you perceive it to be.
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Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on UHD.

Batman Begins is good but have always preferred The Dark Knight (even though I was never too keen on the Two Face part of it it does tie itself into Rises so I accept it).

Begins looks very good in 4K but The Dark Knight is a whole other level, it looked absolutely amazing especially the IMAX scenes and still has some of the best action sequences I can remember, the truck flip scene in particular has always stood out to me.

Begins - 8/10
TDK - 9.5/10

Both are well worth the 4K release, TDK especially. Will watch Rises at some point but I actually watched it in December prior to the 4K release so need to give it a little more time as it was always my weakest of the 3 (but still good 7/10).
Is The shape of water just beauty and the best under water?

Get Out - 7/10

Very weird but entertaining, thought the actor who played the main character was really good!

Really enjoyed that film, thinking back over it and watching/reading more about what it does during the film as well is really cool, very clever film.
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