What film did you watch last night?

I'm 36 mins through watching Birdemic and **** me it is terrible!!

Going to be strong, and see it through, even if it kills me!!
Taken is good apart from the daft ending where she's all happy and jumping around despite her best mate just being killed. Dumb!!

Every time that girl is in the film she runs, that's all she does, runs everywhere! It got so annoying, made me want to kidnap her.

Couldn't believe it when she did it in the last couple of scenes.
Not sure if it counts as a moive, but...


7/10. Very funny.
Law Abiding Citizen.

Concept of the film could have been used to create some stunning set-pieces instead the film just plodded along and ended quite suddenly.

Didn't really deliver.
Watched hurt locked last night for the first time. Was good i like that kind of film but probably needed slightly more action in it considering it was over 2 hours. 7/10
Mystery Team - 8/10
I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Sure it was kind of stupid but actually did contain some laughs!

Cop Out - 2/10
Ended up turning this off after 30 minutes and I only survived that long since I thought the gf was enjoying it but turned out she wanted to turn it off after 10 minutes too. Awful film!
Whiteout - 5/10
Just a bit pants really, no suspense, they should have put Kate Beckinsale in a shower at the end so people might at least want to watch it to the end.

Green Zone - 8/10
Quite enjoyable I thought. Then again I like action type films.
Cop Out
I don't know why people think it's so bad. I though it was pretty funny throughout the film and it's more of slapstick cop movie with many other references thrown in.

I creased at the scene where he punches the kid in the nads after being kicked in the nads. That kid was one angry mfer.

I'd give the film 7/10
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Also watched cop out and agree with khaan, helps a lot if you know the films they are homaging so if youve seen all the 80`s action/cop/vigilante films and know a lot of the one liners its a enjoyable throw back to the 80`s pop corn film :)
Not a film but watched the first 5 episodes of season 1 of The West Wing.

Very good stuff, dialogue is unbelievable.

Watched all seven box sets over the last year or so and its incredible.

Two cathedrals at the end of season two might be the finest piece of tv ever made.

Lets stick to films in this thread though ;)
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