What film did you watch last night?

Hot Tub Time Machine.

My US Unrated Bluray finally arrived yesterday and the film was as good as I had hoped it'd be. A fair bit of crudeness and very funny.


It was a damn fine effort, lets face it its never going to be as good as Predator which is a timeless classic but it was much better than Predator 2 and AvP 1 & 2.


Zack and Miri make a Porno

Seen this before and enjoyed it just as much, a nice and funny to waste 100 mins of your life :-)



As above, its an absolute classic, never ages and is watchable over and over again.

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Predators - 7/10

I thought they cast the completely wrong lead for the film. To go from Arnold to some skinny dude fighting these things is just wrong and didn't look right IMO. Not a bad film though by any means.
The Collector - Went to the cinema to watch this last night and it was absolutely dire. Huge holes in the plot which was virtually non existent anyway, it was kind of like a poor man's Saw film, and from the ending it looks like they're leaving it open for a second.

The Godfather Part 3 - After being left depressed from The Collector I decided when I got home to watch a proper classic. A masterpiece in my opinion and this weekend I think I'll be watching all three of them back to back, Andy Garcia is brilliant in it as is Pacino and pretty much the rest of the cast, although I hate Don Altobello for some reason.
A classic and masterpiece....really?

Its a decent enough movie but it just cannot/does not stand up to the first two and should never have been made.

Horses for courses i suppose.

Yeah I thought it was great and nice to see Michael as an aging Don. One or two characters annoy me but I think the series as a whole is a masterpiece, I'd agree that this one is weaker than the first two but I do love all three of them.
Yeah I thought it was great and nice to see Michael as an aging Don. One or two characters annoy me but I think the series as a whole is a masterpiece, I'd agree that this one is weaker than the first two but I do love all three of them.

Agreed, as a whole it is the stand out set of movies in the genre and possibly the greatest trilogy of movies ever made.

The story was ok, the cast was ok, but the background music and sounds were lifted straight from the original Predator, no originality at all, the fight scenes were a bit lame and the predators themselves, looked like tall skinny men in suits that had Never seen the original movie, they were just wrong.

Snakes on a train was better LOL

I went on my own while the wife was in the cinema room next door watching Shrek... with my mother in law... I was tempted at one point to join them!!!

Well I been dragged to the cinema twice in two days:

Shrek The Final Chapter

Seems like something they put together from whatever was left by the writers and pulled it into one film, main purpose of which was not to entertain but squeeze that last penny out of you. If I had to describe it in one word then I'd use the word recycled. 4.5/10


My expectations were in the negative after turning off AvP 2 halfway and deciding to never return to it. This film certainly exceeded those expectations but as mentioned it wasn't exactly a monumental task. I'm guessing the film was meant to be to Predator brand what Batman Begins was to its franchise. Well it did not deliver anywhere near that and the line that separates it from bad and average is very thin.

It starts off well enough with all stereotypes bar a midget ice cream van driver thrown in into the mixing bowl that is the characters here and proceeds to continuously feed you a cliché after touché throughout the whole affair. It does so while injecting big guns, some explosions, homages to the original film and then later on satisfying the adolescent need for a cleavage. It carefully follows the rule about which races and nationalities die first and makes sure the best looking humanoids get to make off into the sunset. Of course there isn't really a sunset but I'm just making a point about you having to endure the usual Hollywood touches and "predictables". My quota was filled half way through and after that I felt like I was being force feed to a point where I was struggling to control my rolling eyes reflex. At least a fat and proud cinema security guard with a night vision camera proved to be a good enough distraction.

I guess I'm just disappointed that at the beginning of the film I was starting to feel like I was going to eat my words that this was going to be terrible film but then the film made sure that I was reminded that fairy tales endings only come in recycled forms of entertainment, usually containing Shrek in its title.

Rocky III

Rocky is probably one of my all time favorite films, the first two that is. the rest are still good but nowhere near as good as I&II.


9/10, God knows how many times i've watched this.
City of God is an amazing film!

Anyhow, Predators the other day. Being a predator fan, I was looking forward to it. However, it was rubbish - looked like a straight to DVD film really.
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