What film did you watch last night?

John Wick 3 - An enjoyable, "turn your brain off" action movie. I actually liked it more than the 2nd. 7/10.

Overlord - Found this last night after browsing the movies on Sky. Went in with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Not much to it, but still fun. 6/10.
Let the Right One In. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/

I've seen it once before and can highly recommend it. Very good performances by the main characters.

Great movie! The remake was OK, but this is till the best.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - 9/10. I'm a little late to the party and totally regret not seeing this on the big screen. It's easily up there with the very best Marvel movies.
Apocalypto (2006) 8/10

Been on my list for a few years now and noticed it was on Prime movies so decided to give it a watch.

Excellent story which was directed really well.
Avengers end game.... Infinity war was better imo.

Endgame was an okay to good movie, I honestly have had more enjoyment from the guardians of galaxy films.

The action scenes were average I felt, also could have cut quite abit from it I felt as seemed long for the sake of it.

I stopped watching after Infinity. That movie just completely sucked
Sicario 2......

not sure what to make of it. the first film i loved. it had tension, there was a constant undertone of threat. this film had none of that. it just seemed a formulaic bang bang shooter that used the names and characters to try and portray it as something more than it was. such a shame. del toro did his best to remain quietly menacing but most of the aura of the unknown was removed with the reveal of who/what he was in the first film. while a bit far fetched the first film still had a degree of realism about it. again this one didn't have that, at least imo.
as a standalone film i guess it's probably a 6 out of 10 - decent enough action type film. but as a sequel i'd say it's a 4, i could maybe stretch that to a 5 purely because i like JB and BDT.

i fear the 3rd, if there is indeed to be a 3rd, will be even worse.
Toy Story 4 - 9/10

Thought it was the best since the original, felt very fresh which surprised me this many films in. The ending was very predictable but that wasn't really a bad thing.
Spider-Man: Far From Home - 7/10
Enjoyed it though there did seem to be a fairly massive plot hole.

Mysterio didn’t really have any need to steel EDITH
Spider-Man: Far From Home - 7/10
Enjoyed it though there did seem to be a fairly massive plot hole.

Mysterio didn’t really have any need to steel EDITH
Agree, it felt really forced and came out of nowhere too. His whole plan hinged on Peter thinking he deserved EDITH for....some reason.
Captain Marvel (2019) 7.5/10

Good story providing an intro to the Captain Marvel character, excellent job on making Nick Fury look younger.

Surprised Marvel haven't released a Nick Fury stand alone movie.
Colossal - I really enjoyed it, I can see it as a bit of a marmite film but really surprised it isn't rated higher by many.

Thought this was a refreshing off the wall movie, can understand folks not liking it based on the early trailers though. Ended up more heartfelt than the comedy implied.
'Fighting With My Family'.

7/10. Rather enjoyed this, very well cast. Started off thinking it was going to be just another Rock comedy but turned out rather good.

I liked that the Rock was the actual real story too, added a nice little touch.
Watching Blade Runner 2049 again right now.
Brilliant. Like it more each time.
Cinemaphotography is amazing. So many scenes with focus on one colour. Beautiful.

Agreed, it's a superb movie, seems to whoosh over many folks heads though, not enough 'splosions, scantily clad ladies and swear words I guess. Massively generalising of course but films as good as this are few and far between and it frustrates the hell out of me.

I've watched it once at cinema and twice at home, just talking about it makes me want to watch again but carving out 3 hours for a movie is hard these days :(
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