What film did you watch last night?

Date Night

It was ok, but not particularly funny considering it was supposed to be a comedy.

The funniest parts were the outtakes at the end.

Tina Fey did look good in it though.

Armored - Thought it was great, quite surprised really as it didnt get very good reviews but I watched it all the way through without getting annoyed or pausing it to check emails etc so must have been good, loved the soundtrack too it sounded great
Clash of the Titans

9/10, really liked it ... but too short

I really hope you mean the original as the new one is absolutely diabolical. It should have been a straight to DVD release it was that bad. Bad acting, bad story, bad effects, I don't see how anyone could give it a 9.
Watched 'Up In The Air' yesterday evening. Saw it on release at the cinema and really enjoyed it. Wasn't nearly as good the second time round though. George Clooney is a cracking actor though. My cat is called Cluney so I think he enjoyed it too ;).

Just finished watching K-Pax. Started it last night but fell asleep. Was an amazing film, only just heard about it from the mental illness film thread and really enjoyed the film. Very thought provoking and interesting. Recommened to my friends so we can chat about it in the pub!
I really hope you mean the original as the new one is absolutely diabolical. It should have been a straight to DVD release it was that bad. Bad acting, bad story, bad effects, I don't see how anyone could give it a 9.

I can't say it was bad acting personally, Sam Worthington was pretty good in his role ... the other army people did their jobs well, while making the characters seem unique and not just copies of how these sort of military men are always portrayed.

The story was rushed, but still interesting, and the effects were good enough

Maybe an 8/10 would have been fairer, but I gave it a 9 as it entertained me.
Forcing myself to sit through 'Martyrs', about half an hour through at the moment and it's just unbelievably grim, really hard to watch.
Forcing myself to sit through 'Martyrs', about half an hour through at the moment and it's just unbelievably grim, really hard to watch.

absolutely amazing film!

my friend said he liked messed up films then i showed him it! he was shocked for about 20 minutes after then asked me "wtf i cant believe that" lol!

put yourself in her situation and you'd probably do the exact same thing and being tortured like that is unreal! shocking ain't the word!

let me know if you enjoyed it or not!
Forcing myself to sit through 'Martyrs', about half an hour through at the moment and it's just unbelievably grim, really hard to watch.

Hard to watch indeed, it's one of only 2 films I had to ask myself if I wanted to continue to watch it. (Irréversible if anyone's wondering)
Breathtakingly good.
One of the best films I've seen in the last say 5 maybe 10 years.

Mary and Max

Mary Dinkle's eyes were the colour of muddy puddles. Her birthmark, the colour of poo.

Brilliant little film.
Just managed to finish it, still a bit decided on it to be honest, disturbing torture pr0n type thing that seemed to be trying to be deeper than it could ever really be. Was watching it on the laptop so put the cricket on in the background for when I got a bit uneasy.
I know the directors cut had a lot of additional footage and is meant to be a much better film, that the one you seen? I been too lazy to get round to watching it yet heh.

That's the one I watched. Be prepared for a marathon, 3 hours and 40 minutes long. Worth it though as it fleshes out the story a bit better.
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