What film did you watch last night?


I very much believed Leo's performance right to the end, was he crazy or not after his wife murdered his kids? To my understanding he just kept going through this loop as he didn't want to admit what had happened and kept playing that role of the FM and his accomplice, and at the end his doctor looked at the main man and said thats it hes basically going to the tower. (or wasn't that real?)

Yeah I'm thick! Was very sleepy when I watched it! ;D


I was under the impression it was trying to leave the door open that it could be interpretted either way; that he was indeed insane/ in denial, or that the people on the Island were indeed all on the act to make him appear that way to experiment on him.

Apparently the book is much better at doing it though?
Land of the Lost

Didn't have great reviews but I thought it was hilarious.

May watch Book of Eli tonight or tomorrow.
Battle for Haditha 2007 - American film based on the iraq war, follows a set of american soldiers and the lives of innocent iraq's and also some Iraq incergents.

Brilliant film, quite distructive in the events that occur. Worth watching

Watched The Wolfman last night... I wasn't particularly taken in by it, felt much longer than it actually was and seemed for long periods that nothing happened.

Oh and when something did happen the werewolves looked terrible!

I perhaps wasn't in the right mood for it i'm not sure, maybe i will give it another shot... maybe.
Watched xmen wolverine. Can't say I liked it really. Gambit was horribly miscast and they got his accent all wrong , was far too much in the film which just wasn't "right" by the storyline in the comics and the cgi Patrick Stewart at the end was of laughable quality
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