What film did you watch last night?

Watched ST: Voyager lastnight

tues - matrix trilogy , hitman , the island , bourne trilogy, die hard 4
Wed - con air , redident evil trilogy.
Thurs - Taken , Frankie Boyle (live) , Enemy of the state.
Fri - The Rock , XXX

Today F1 is on in 10min so ill be watching that :D then god knows after
Black Hawk Down (again), i think this could be my all time fave film, easy top 5, still moving after seeing it so many times.

8/10. Bully was a lot better than I expected it to be, there's a bit of a lull in the middle but aside from that it's a great movie.
office space

truly funny, the scene when they smash the crap out of the fax machine is an all time great.

Repo Men, there were 3 people in a 380 seat cinema when i saw that film:)

Needless to say the film only lasted a week before it vanished.

Worth a second watch knowing the twists at the end, there's a lot to spot, ill buy it when it gets released at the end of next month, or pick it up on sky.

The Handmaid's Tale.

Watched it the other night, last time i was near a tv.

A very disturbing film, some of it is hard to watch. A nightmare future mixed in with a flavour of sexual slavery, it's not for everybody.
Predators 6/10 - Never got into it. I love a good sci-fi flick, but this was boring. Even the surprises were lackluster.

Castaway to the Moon 8/10 - Korean version of Tom Hanks Castaway. Shed a tear at the end. :)
my neice was telling about this, how she watched it and it didnt bother her in the slightest....shes 13 yrs old !!!!

Of course it wouldn't bother her.

By that I mean bother in the "zomg the horror!" sense rather than the "omg i want to cut my own eyes out rather than watch any more of this tedious crap" sense.
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