What film did you watch last night?

The Angry Birds Movie (2016) - 8/10

Silly, funny and fun with great animation, the film is a real joy to watch from beginning to end.

It’s got a good story where every scene is vibrant and filled with colour, action, comedy and music. Plenty of jokes for adults and kids, they really captured the personalities of the birds, although the pigs could have done with being more memorable.

It doesn’t really do anything new or different in the animated movie market, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Spencer Confidential (Netflix) - 5½/10

Cop gets sent down, comes out and is some kind of super detective. Pretty basic, simple and convenient really. If you were 8 and making up a story about yourself, it would perhaps be something a little like this. Can't say I'd recommend it.
Anna - 7½/10 (Amazon Prime)

Hot blonde, Russian KGB operative is trying to break free from it all. I really enjoyed the '3 months earlier', '5 years earlier' etc, patching together the story.
Yeah, I really enjoyed both. Is that the first time you've seen The Shining?

No. I've seen quite a few times. But thought a rewatch in preparation was in order. I actually think that Doctor Sleep is a better film.

But that may just be down the difference in the age of each production and watching them back to back exaggerates it.
I actually think that Doctor Sleep is a better film.

Thanks, not just me then.

Don't get me wrong, The Shining is good...it's just not great. You've also got this whole faux depth around the movie and the extra meanings that people tenuously cling onto, there's even a documentary called Room 237.

Not intending to trigger anyone, I know The Shining is much loved, I just think the 40 year old hype train around it is somewhat stale.
Thanks, not just me then.

Don't get me wrong, The Shining is good...it's just not great. You've also got this whole faux depth around the movie and the extra meanings that people tenuously cling onto, there's even a documentary called Room 237.

Not intending to trigger anyone, I know The Shining is much loved, I just think the 40 year old hype train around it is somewhat stale.

I think that happens with a lot of so called classic films. I've watched quite a few over the last year that have been re-released on 4k Blu-ray and I mostly end up saying the same thing. It's either not as good as I remember or I suppose for the time it was a great cinematic achievement, but it hasn't aged that well.
Watched three decent little films over the weekend:

I am not a serial killer 6.7
Decent horror mystery. Really wasn't sure what sort of film it was going to be for a while though. Christopher Lloyd really good.

I see you 6.5
Not really a horror, more of a mystery film. Helen Hunt's plastic surgery a little off-putting. Good twist though

Don't let go 6/10
Time travel type film. Decent enough watch although you've seen it all before.
Sonic - meh. Wife fell asleep and i ended up on my phone.

Some elements of Jim Carey were good, but as he is knocking on a bit, it fell a bit flat :(

I thought it was fun and good.

I took it as is, it's aimed at children and enough fan service to us adults. Solid 6/10 from me.
Godzilla 8/10 so I watched the sequel over the weekend and disliked it and decided to remind myself about the 2017 version. Really good, not enough Bryan Cranston, Juliet Binoche's early death still feels powerful even on 3rd watching. The character building and the fact the humans are the focus is good. The beast battles were good and had the air of realism, the animal behaviour of the "bad" monsters was well thought out. The whole plot had a degree of plausibility once you suspend disbelief over giant monsters that eat radiation. Taylor Johnson was good, not enough Scarlet Witch and the general and Watanabe seemed well fleshed out plausible characters. Gareth Edwards can direct a decent movie, loved Monsters, loved Rogue One, loved Godzilla. Why isn't this guy getting more work?
The Foreigner - 7/10 (Netflix)

Jackie Chan's kid is blown up by people claiming to be the IRA. JC starts putting pressure on the Irish Minister to find out who it was. Kind of an odd/different premise, but actually pretty good. Reasonable amount of action and Jackie doing what Jackie does. Pretty good, worth a watch.
Coming to America

It's been quite a few years since I watched it. It's actually better than I remembered (and I had fond memories). Except the ending - that last 10-15 minutes was all a bit ****.
Victoria & Abdul

I really enjoyed this. It was clearly a very difficult subject to breach because it comes down to snobbery and racism of the times being the main crux of the issue. But its cleverly done with some light-hearted humour thrown in. A good watch.
The Invisible Man - 8/10
Enjoyed this, only really went to see it as there was nothing else on. Tense, a couple of cracking bits and Elisabeth Moss was great in it.
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