What film did you watch last night?

Doomsday (2008) - Netflix

Stumbled across this when looking for a film to watch.
Wasn't expecting too much but was pleasantly surprised!

Take Mad Max, set it in Scotland, add a dash of 28 days later and Doomsday is what you would end up with.

Definitely worth a watch.


This is an old favourite of mine so considering the current situation I thought I should watch it again :)
Bait (2019)

Filmed in Cornwall on clockwork 16mm black and white stock...unique look, and sound to it. About the clash between local fisherman and incomers and tourism in a small fishing village.

Very funny at times, and a good break from Marvelous.....proper film making.

7/10 from me. Enjoyed it, but not as great as Kermode makes out. You can watch it for free on the BFI trial on Amazon.
Go Kart

Boy mysteriously excels at karting first time, gets trained by Mr. Miyagi crossed with Irv Blitzer, has a hang up with his dead dad, gets the girl and wins through in the end after a dramatic setback. Honestly it's one of the most derivative and predictable films I've ever seen. There are zero surprises here and, yet, it's kind of endearing. There's a warm reassuring quality to its lack of anything remotely unpredictable and paint-by-the-numbers story structure that make it perhaps the ideal movie for these Coronavirus nights.

A totally well trodden 4/10, but 7/10 if you just want something comforting to watch.
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Shaft (2019) - 5 / 10

Plenty of comedy and some interesting moments mainly thanks to Jackson putting in a very entertaining performance as Shaft.

The culture and generation gap thing doesn’t always work, ending up embarrassing rather than relevant, but there’s plenty of Shaft’s signature style and attitude on display.

The story isn’t anything special, the action scenes appear almost incoherently, the lead character is irritating rather than funny, and the “damsel in distress” finale is awful.
Rise of Skywalker 5/10
Looks pretty, but the plot was one long chase the mcguffin for two and a half hours with characters you just don't care about. Poor.

1917 7.5/10
Probably the best war film since saving private Ryan.
Gantz O.
Super violent cg anime. I saw it on one of the Corridor Crew youtube vids where they were gushing over it and blow my socks it turned out to be available legally on netflix.
Absolutely loved it.
Not yet seen 1917 but Fury deteriorated into a generic Hollywood action flick.

Agreed. There was some promise at the start and then it hit Rambo levels of silly at the end.

At least it was entertaining.

All subjective of course, but I was gripped from start to finish with 1917. Partly due to the camera work, which was stunning, but also for the atmosphere it set. It reminded me a little The Thin Red Line.
Zombieland: Double-Tap

Not as good as the first, but still some entertaining moments. I actually liked Madison the most. (freaked out she is Lea Thompson's daughter)

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