What film did you watch last night?

If people are only going to give a 1 or a 10, then they may as well just say it's bad or good :p

Take Joker for example. This film was excellent. Made me think after the film, the film was discussed with friends and family. It stayed with me...the performances were great, the look and feel and tone were amazing and it will require another viewing for sure.

IMO it was excellent. For me I would give it 9/10

It deserves it IMO.

Not many films I’ve seen lately come close to a 9 there is a lot of dross being released.
Take Joker for example. This film was excellent. Made me think after the film, the film was discussed with friends and family. It stayed with me...the performances were great, the look and feel and tone were amazing and it will require another viewing for sure.

IMO it was excellent. For me I would give it 9/10

It deserves it IMO.

Not many films I’ve seen lately come close to a 9 there is a lot of dross being released.

I agree on Joker, fantastic film. The only other film on a similar level from last year was parasite.
Underwater. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5774060/

Pretty good, not bad at all, worth a one-off viewing. Nothing amazing but little if any in the way of letdowns either. :)

We saw this last night, probably a 5.5/10

It had every trope in the book and the creatures made zero sense. The underwater physics were totally unrealistic too. And Kristen Stewart just can't act. All she does is that one blank stare, oh and show as much flesh as possible.

Even with all the criticism, it was reasonably watchable.
Well it was going to get a 7/10 but I cut it some slack as the techniques used to convey dread where clever and overall the film had enough surprise moments to lift it above the mediocre. :)

going from an 8 to a 9 is a massive leap...:p


the Gentlemen last night, 6.5/10 decent enough but not a patch on Snatch/lock Stock. Hugh grant the high point, Matthew M disapointed especially after some of his recent performances (True Detective).

the Gentlemen last night, 6.5/10 decent enough but not a patch on Snatch/lock Stock. Hugh grant the high point, Matthew M disapointed especially after some of his recent performances (True Detective).

Poor directing and a 2 dimensional character....MM is a great actor but he needs something to go on....Unfortunately in the Gentleman his character was devoid of any depth. :p

Was a shame as GR is renowned for getting good performances out of his actors.

Don't get me started on https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2019/10/03/the-gentlemen-charlie-hunnam-trailer-guy-ritchie-2020/
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Imogen Poots stars as Jemma, alongside Jesse Eisenberg as Jesse Eisenberg in this well crafted contribution to the popular and well established horror/mystery/Kafkaesque/existential dread/psychological noir genre.

I really like Imogen Poots, and she is pootsy as hell in this film. Her gorgeous 'girl next door' look works perfectly in every frame. Jesse Eisenberg puts in the hard yards as a slightly toned down version of himself.

The story starts with Jemma and Jesse accepting an offer to visit some display homes. They follow the salesman to an estate that's so new, the roads don't even have signs yet. The houses are nice enough, but every one is identical. Curiously, they're all painted in the same shades of green. The whole situation is a very weird, but they roll with it until... well, you'll need to watch the movie to find out.

Vivarium is arguably the best interpretation of Franz Kafka's work to date, and draws upon two of his most well known quotes:

Franz Kafka said:
Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.

Franz Kafka said:
I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones. Basically it is nothing other than this fear we have so often talked about, but fear spread to everything, fear of the greatest as of the smallest, fear, paralysing fear of pronouncing a word, although this fear may not only be fear but also a longing for something greater than all that is fearful.

Kafka himself was a poor interpreter of his own work, which he rarely studied and often misunderstood. This is why films like Vivarium are so necessary.

Jemma and Jesse are defined not by their characters, but by their relationship and its uneasy dynamic. The arrival of a newcomer is destabilising because they cannot adapt to a situation over which they have no control. Jemma's realisation of this fact is neatly articulated in Act 2, when she says 'Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made.'

It is only much later in the film that they finally realise they are free, and this is why they are lost. As Jesse says in Act 3, 'I am in chains. Don't touch my chains.' It's a powerful and highly relatable metaphor.

Vivarium was brought to the big screen by Lovely Productions (in association with Fantastic Films, Frakas Productions, PingPongFilm and XYZ Films) on a tiny budget of $4 million, most of which came from a grant donated by Deutsche Telefunken. Its high production values confirm that the money was well spent.

I rate Vivarium at 29.97 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a Kafkaesque 8/10 on IMDB.
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Can't beleive I've waited so long to watch this!


A good score can make a movie, and this movie proves it.

21 Jump Street (2012) - 8/10

Entertainingly fun and funny with a good cast, great acting and a good story.

The relationship between the stars really works and the light hearted hijinks make it difficult not to enjoy their escapades.

Not that original, but well put together and the comedy and jokes are great.
The Night Comes For Us (2018) - 6/10

Very violent and very gory but the simple plot and shallow characters don’t make for much of a deep and engaging experience.

The action doesn’t let up for long once it starts and the fight scenes are pretty brutal, but some lack smoothness in their flow and the special effects (apart from the gore) lack the flair of other films.

It’s entertaining and it has its stylish moments, but a stronger and better delivered story would have helped.
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