What film did you watch last night?

The Platform (2019) - 9/10

Quirky and artistic with a dark sadistic streak straight through the middle.

It’s a weird premise but a powerful one with a simple yet unsettling setting and very well acted and interesting characters.

Very wordy and a little bit gory, but it suits the anti-capitalist story and I was hooked right up to the superb ending.
The American Hollywood stuff is just full of cliché, bad CGI and obnoxious characters.
or remakes of foreign films.

hollywood doesn't excite me for a long time

I find most of the movies to be above average at best.

their formula for making movies is stale.

the last really good american movie I can think of is interstellar and that was 6 years ago.

I remember the late 90s, early 0000s so many good movies that are totally rewatchable today
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Salem's Lot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079844/

I've never got beyond the early stages of this before for some reason, despite it being the sort of subject matter which appeals quite strongly to me.

Well worth it, though. David Soul and James Mason deliver pretty good performances, so I may check out some of Mason's work as I've not seen many films with him in.

Additionally, I might take a look at the 2017 remake at some point which I believe stars Rob Lowe.

Well i really do not know...
but i sat through it glued to the screen, been a while since a movie has done that to me.

A solid 9/10
A call of the wild...wasn’t expecting much...but strangely I connected with a cgi dog :p

Big dog fan so I’m probably a tad bias...but I enjoyed it...6.75/10 :p

We also recently watched this - big screen at the cinema just before the lock down kicked in.

I have to admit we all really enjoyed this. It's a classic tale of self discovery with Ford acting at his usual standards and a CGI dog. The key to this movie (for me) was the gorgeous backdrop of the Yukon. And yes I'm well aware there's a substantial amount of CGI involved there as well! The original movie dates back 23 years and features the late, great Rutger Hauer which itself is based on Jack London's classic 1903 novel!

Back on topic we watched the 2020 version of "The Invisible Man" last night:

The whole premise of the movie didn't really make any sense to me (I want to torment my ex) especially given the central character is some genius lighting, tech expert dude with the whole world at his feet given this new invention he really needs to move on . . . .

The entire movie could have been blown out of the water with a few pairs of infra red goggles but we're subjected to Elisabeth Moss faffing around for 90 minutes trying to convince everyone she's not mad! It had potential, and there's a plot twist (but you'd have to be retarded not to see it) and that's without me making the obvious link to the 20 year old movie Hollowman!
The whole premise of the movie didn't really make any sense to me (I want to torment my ex) especially given the central character is some genius lighting, tech expert dude with the whole world at his feet given this new invention he really needs to move on . . . .

Thats the point....he has everything he wants...he’s the one in control....and when thats taken from him he refuses to allow it.
Thats the point....he has everything he wants...he’s the one in control....and when thats taken from him he refuses to allow it.

Yeah I see that too - but my thoughts are still along the lines that anyone with that level of intellect wouldn't be so blinkered and would be able to see the bigger picture?

Everyone is different though . . . .
If you can, watch 'Togo'. It's on Disney+ and is based on a true story, has real dogs in it (no weird Scooby-Doo mutt here), Willem Dafoe is excellent and it's really good.

Watched it mate,

Thanks for the heads up..Great movie and great story based on true events :D
The Gentleman 7/10

It killed a couple of hours and I enjoyed it. Didn't think it was as good as Snatch but it's worth a watch if you like Guy Ritchie movies with a decent plot and some good performances by the cast, particularly Colin Farrell.
I watched Heat last night. Hadn't seen it in a long time. Really great movie, good building up of the events and great lead actors. And the bank shoot out scene must be one of the best ones ever made, such a sound and chaotic experience. It's a clear 8 of 10 score.
Watched it mate,

Thanks for the heads up..Great movie and great story based on true events :D
Happy to share the joy. I've watched it twice now, which I rarely do so quickly. I'm still irritated about
the Balto statue
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21 Bridges - 5/10

Had heard good reviews so I'm a bit surprised this was so run of the mill. Entertaining enough, not sure I should have spent my monies on it though.
Captain Marvel

Unlike most superhero origin movies, where you already know the story, I didn't know anything about Captain Marvel apart from her appearance in Endgame. As stories go, it's fine there's a little more twist to it than most superhero stories, but still nothing remarkable. It delivers Marvel's now-traditional formula of humour and spectacle well enough, and the de-aged Agents Fury and Coulson are a fun touch, but there's nothing here to make it particularly stand out from the mass ranks of Marvel superhero flicks. Brie Larson does a good job in the lead role, but Captain Marvel suffers from the same problem as DC's Superman: they're just too powerful a character for Earth Scale stories. I think had it come out around the time of the first Iron Man, we'd be talking about how good a film it was, but now it's all a bit "been there, seen that". Also, someone needs to teach film editors that 1hr 40 is a good length for a film again, half an hour left on the cutting room floor would really have helped.

A watchable, but unmemorable, 6/10.
Hotel Transylvania (2012) - 6/10

Silly and goofy with a zany cast of characters and fast paced comic carnage.

Dracula’s a bit too over the top and some of the jokes don’t work, but the basic story has a good moral message and the film is never boring.

There’s a wide selection of monsters, but not much is done with their mythology and I didn’t like the ending at all or the techno/pop music finale.
Another one for The Platform.
Pretty good really. Decent enough dubbing which is always something that bothers me greatly!
For anyone who enjoyed this I would definitely echo the post from earlier that suggested wathing Cube and its perfectly decent sequels. Very much the forefather to films like like Saw imo.

Also saw Kong: Skull Island. Decent enough sfx but quite boring all in all. Zero sense of affection for any of the characters so really didn't care who lived or died. Samuel LJ was just silly.
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