It's quite an odd movie. They do lots of 'one take' shots, following the characters through and around, giving it almost a documentary feel at times (I've just read this was a little what the director was after). It's like they did the long take of '1917', but not trapping themselves in the gimmick of 'the hole movie in one shot', so I feel it works really well, much better than 1917.
The cinematographer (Emmauel Lubezki) sort-of re-invented the "oner" technique. Or rather made it popular again. Children of Men I think is one of the first he did it, and he went on to do Birdman (like 1917 made to look like one single take) and The Revenant. The opening scene in The Revenant is stunning.
Alfonso Cuaron (his friend and colleague) used the technique a lot in Roma. EL was supposed to shoot Roma with him but couldn't.. I can't remember why.
It was hard to find out, but that apparently was Adam Arkapaw. Cary Fukunaga was the director though, he's just done Bond 25/No Time to Die.
I must admit I've seen that shot, but never got past the 2nd episode of TD because my girlfriend complained she "couldn't understand them" That's now on the pile of timeless aborted watches due to girlfriend issues, with Breaking Bad
It was hard to find out, but that apparently was Adam Arkapaw. Cary Fukunaga was the director though, he's just done Bond 25/No Time to Die.
I must admit I've seen that shot, but never got past the 2nd episode of TD because my girlfriend complained she "couldn't understand them" That's now on the pile of timeless aborted watches due to girlfriend issues, with Breaking Bad
Hadn't seen this in ages, but it popped up on TV the other week so I recorded it.
The bad
Historical inaccuracies abound. Some events are compressed, shifted around or glossed over entirely, including pretty important stuff like Hunt's first GP win for Hesketh ('75 Dutch GP).
The good
Quite literally everything else about the film. The cast are excellent, it's visually stunning and it gets enough of the history right to properly tell the story of what Grand Prix racing was like back then.
10/10 (would have gave it probably a 9 if it wasn't such an old movie, I think it aged really well)
Alien 3
I thought I had seen Alien as a child at about 7 years old or so but it must have been Aliens.
I kinda liked alien 3 but it got boring pretty fast although it did seem quite promising with a pretty strong cast imo.
I can only imagine if these films were made in the last 10 years all the actors would be at-least half the age which is one of the reasons I dislike a lot of modern films, too many young beautiful cast members make everything a lot less believable unless it's a movie similar to gattaca. (although I don't remember how beautiful the cast of that was or how young)
I have some long drawn out fun debates with mates on the merits of Alien over Aliens and always come back to Alien being my favourite. I've had the luck of watching both again in the cinema in the last two years which has cemented my love for Alien over Aliens even further.
Objectively...they're pretty even movies in quality, it ultimately comes down to preference. Aliens is a perfect sequel, it expands on the story and adds new ideas without recycling anything from Alien, the main character has progression, I could go on but it's been discussed over and over
I think the real thing that shows the age in these movies is the computers, remove that element and it's suddenly not so apparent how old they are.
@arknor agreed, both Prometheus and Covenant are a little too slick with their computer displays. I wasn't saying to remove them as such, just that they are the real 'tell' to the age of the movies.
Hadn't seen this in ages, but it popped up on TV the other week so I recorded it.
The bad
Historical inaccuracies abound. Some events are compressed, shifted around or glossed over entirely, including pretty important stuff like Hunt's first GP win for Hesketh ('75 Dutch GP).
The good
Quite literally everything else about the film. The cast are excellent, it's visually stunning and it gets enough of the history right to properly tell the story of what Grand Prix racing was like back then.
10/10 (would have gave it probably a 9 if it wasn't such an old movie, I think it aged really well)
Alien 3
I thought I had seen Alien as a child at about 7 years old or so but it must have been Aliens.
I kinda liked alien 3 but it got boring pretty fast although it did seem quite promising with a pretty strong cast imo.
I can only imagine if these films were made in the last 10 years all the actors would be at-least half the age which is one of the reasons I dislike a lot of modern films, too many young beautiful cast members make everything a lot less believable unless it's a movie similar to gattaca. (although I don't remember how beautiful the cast of that was or how young)
watched/watching way too many films during this furlough period...
Parasite - 7.5/10 knew nothing about the film apart from the awards and was surprised - with the title I was expecting a J-horror monster film, but v much no.
the 1st 1/2-2/3 of the films was ace, them slowly invading the household. But, I kinda felt the last act went downhill, after they exposed the hidden cellar and the old dude hiding in it - kinda seemed a rushed ending. Prior to that I was expecting the invading family to take over the household, get their names on the lease and it ending with the rich family abandoned, possibly tied up, in the flooded basement flat.
Old Guard - 6/10 enjoyable fodder, was 1/2 expecting it to go towards Blade with them all being daywalkers or something, to keep their power.
Shin Godzilla - 6/10 nice change to a Godzilla film, focusing more on the politics/chaos than monsters stomping about.
The Voices - 6/10 delusional Ryan Renolds chats to his pets and kills some ppl
Buried - 6/10 tense
Attraction - 5/10 Amazing CGI alien invasion film. Bit cheesy, but watchable.
Vast of Night - 5/10 I know this got some amazing reviews, but I just found it a little too slow (yeah, I know, that's the point)
Where the Trail Ends - 8/10 MTB epicness
Klunkerz - 7/10 MTB documentary
unReal - 7/10 MTB film again
A Far Wreck - 7/10 nice documentary about Fat Wreck Chords
Love(d) Alien and rushed to see it at the cinema when it was rereleased for the 30th anniversary (as I missed it originally, as I was only 1 1/2...) And, tbh, on the big cinema screen, it lost some of the thrill, you could see the man in the suit and the rubber wobbling about... Still ace, but showed its age on the big screen.
Alien 3 - I think there's different cuts, some a lot better than others. Personally think it's better than some reviews.
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