What film did you watch last night?

Didn't watch it last night but on the last night before lockdown and I keep thinking about it.

Tenet and it is brilliant, a film that absolutely has to be seen at the cinema or at least on a huge screen with an awesome sound system. It is just brilliant, a bit confusing, the visuals and music is just something else that can't be really described as it is so visceral, I got goosebumps in quite a few scenes. An absolute must watch! I hope Ludwig gets an Oscar for the soundtrack! 10/10
In the continuing adventures of a 49 year old man trying to get into horror movies because he's a wuss...

It Follows

I'd heard very good things about this. For the most part I disagree with them. It was not scary or creepy, apart from
the big dude coming through the door.

I thought the direction and cinematography was excellent, as was most of the acting. The soundtrack was also excellent, very John Carpenter!

6.5/10 from me.
Richard Jewell. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3513548/

Great performances by the main characters (especially Paul Walter Hauser & Sam Rockwell). Enjoyed this.
Thanks for this, looked it up on your recommendation. Always like Sam Rockwell and also always like movies directed by Eastwood. Felt it jumped a bit at the end (I felt there was more to come from the reporters side of things) but I guess that's just how it played out.
Greenland - 4/10 - Decent actors for the two leads but a woeful script and story which is almost a carbon copy (in places) of Armageddon/Deep Impact/2012 but without the budget for a lot of the special effects which made those film stand out, making this feel more of a family drama during a time of high stress rather than a "huge disaster" movie so it wasn't want I expected (or was sold by the trailer) so it's a bit of a miss for me.
Kill List

A bit weird this one. Starts out as a
bit of a family drama, then turns into a hitman movie and then it ends like some pagan Wicker Man thing. Odd!

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Kill List

A bit weird this one. Starts out as a bit of a family drama, then turns into a hitman movie and then it ends like some pagan Wicker Man thing. Odd!

Most Ben Wheatley films are odd, funny and good. Recommend you try more if you liked it.
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Spiral. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9247314/

Lovers of mystery and horror films would do well to check this out.

I didn't find it predictable which was refreshing and it kept me watching to the end.

Cheers to @SixTwoSix for the recommendation. :)

Fractured. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4332232/

Well, I enjoyed the film, that's for sure... but I did find there were some rather cringeworthy, cheesy moments (weak acting in places from the leads/casting)?

All in all, I did enjoy it quite a lot and would recommend seeing the movie all the way through as it does have a good deal more positives than negatives.

I wasn't quite expecting the ending either so that was an added bonus. It did keep me guessing a few times about which way things might turn out.
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