"Ghost" (1990!) and "Roadhouse" (1989!!). Classics both.
The Getaway.
I've not really seen any of McQueen's films so I'm watching a few at the moment, with this being the first on the list.
One or two moments in it seemed familiarly welcome and overall I enjoyed it quite a lot actually. Well worth seeing.
Ali MacGraw was a very beautiful woman back in the day.
Love this film, agree, MacGraw is a very attractive woman. McQueen made some excellent films, you are in for a treat. I have The Hunter to watch (last film McQueen made in 1980) very rarely if ever, shown on TV. Always wanted to see.
The remake of The Getaway (1994) with Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin is not too shabby.
Soul 9/10
Damn, this hit me hard for some reason. Must be my old age but it really spoke to me.