What film did you watch last night?

In Bruges - 6.5 out of 10.

a decent film. not hilarious or as comedic as you might imagine.

but wtf went wrong with my farrels eyebrows?

they start like -_-... then within seconds become /_\ and then can also transform themselves into \ _ /. its crazy i tells you!
La vite e Bella (Life is Beautiful)


Beautiful film. It is a happy film in a strange way considering the setting (Nazi Concentration camp). A must watch.
Did you see Un Prophète Gustov?

Got 2 hours in and switched it off. Not that it was a bad film but I just wasn't in the mood to watch it and felt as if I was forcing myself to watch it because it's one to tick off the list.

Got very confusing with the amount of different gang names being thrown around! Need to give it more of my attention.
Watched Memento last night...

Enjoyed it very very much 9/10. I thought Guy Pearce played his role perfectly and fantastic writing/direction from Chris Nolan.

May even be in my all time top 10.
Inception. It was very good. Tried a bit too hard to be cool in places, but overall excellent. 8.5/10 for me :)
Let The Right One In, also in Swedish with subtitles.

I enjoyed it, probably an 8 or 9 out of 10. It had a different pace to a lot of films you see nowadays, it took it's*time and didn't rush things or go over the top. It was a lot of darker than the awful twilight, and it wasn't at all scared to show a bit of blood.

A bit weird to have a film without a strict beginning, middle and end, but that's fine by me. Like I said, different pacing, different style.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider, and Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life

Decided to have an Angelina Jolie-athon last night, and finally got round to watching this pair.

Having never played the games (well, other than the latest - Underworld), I wasn't really expecting much, other than quite a bit of running and jumping ;)

Well - they didn't disappoint, and Miss Jolie was looking quite nice as Lara Croft :)

However - I felt the "love interest" in the second film wasn't needed at all, and the lack of a "love interest" in the first made it better for it.
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