What film did you watch last night?

Paycheck - 7/10 always enjoyable to watch.
Momento - 6/10 Think im going to have to rewatch it again as im missing what made it one of the top films on imdb.
The Fourth kind.
Freaked the **** out of me if I'm honest. :o
The film is made with half the screen with the actors in it playing the part & the other half of the screen is the Real footage that was shot at the time of the incidents.
It lost a lot of it's strength when you realise they are talking about Alien abduction but when you see the real life footage shot of the people under hypnosis it's freaky no matter what you think about the subject.
I do recommend others watch the film though.

I watched this one Saturday night at 2 am lying on the the couch. The scenes with the people under hypnosis properly freaked me out. After the film was finished I promptly turned everything off, had a quick look out the window at the sky and then went to bed. As my misses started moaning about work in the morning I felt happy/relieved that I was back to the real world. Really enjoyed The Fourth Kind.

You thought that footage was real? Lulz. Its actors, the doc style footage had worse acting than the film footage.
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Right i had one of them free days where the mrs and son where away, so was watching movies all day long

1 - Tekken ----- What ever you do. Do not watch this pile of rubbish. I can not believe they destroyed this movie. It's nothing like the game. 2/10

2 - Green Zone 1080p ---- Now this is a Brilliant movie. Wonderfull. 9/10

3 - Kiss of the Dragon 720p --- Good movie this. Not Jet li's best type of movie. But it was good. 7/10

4 - Body Of Lies 1080p - DiCaprio has to be there now. Some very good movies he has come with. 9/10
The Duchess. It was ok, a request from the wife that we watch it after I made her watch Blood Diamond the other day.


No completely awesome but there were a bunch of nods to the original film which were a nice touch. Especially the music at the end :D
Watched day 3 and 4 of Band of Brothers earlier, love it.

Just finished watching independance day, cant believe ive never seen it before but its pretty good. Todays cgi puts it to shame though haha
Rocknrolla, some good chuckles throughout with firm start but a lot of Snatch/Lock Stock echoing through which really detracted from any character development. Also a bit of a tenuous link to finish the film off as well.

7/10, would have been 6/10 but Thandie Newton is 5 inch heels and a pencil skirt just tipped it over.

Boring. Disturbing. Odd. Having sat through the whole film it wasn't what I expected or hoped for. I'm left shocked and unconvinced.

Exam - enjoyed it, Gemma Chan not in it for long enough ;) 7/10

Pimp - lockstock style documentary style film, Danny Dyre not as bad as usualy, rest of the cast was good 6/10

Green Zone - very much enjoyed this tale of lies and deceipt in Iraq - 9/10
Shutter Island. Not bad but was expecting more from a Martin Scorsese title.

Very predictable but didn't get bored despite the 2 hour+ run time.

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