The Fourth kind.
Freaked the **** out of me if I'm honest.
The film is made with half the screen with the actors in it playing the part & the other half of the screen is the Real footage that was shot at the time of the incidents.
It lost a lot of it's strength when you realise they are talking about Alien abduction but when you see the real life footage shot of the people under hypnosis it's freaky no matter what you think about the subject.
I do recommend others watch the film though.
I watched this one Saturday night at 2 am lying on the the couch. The scenes with the people under hypnosis properly freaked me out. After the film was finished I promptly turned everything off, had a quick look out the window at the sky and then went to bed. As my misses started moaning about work in the morning I felt happy/relieved that I was back to the real world. Really enjoyed The Fourth Kind.
Sharpe's Battle...
Have the box set that I am working my way through...