Also piping in about the The Dead Don't Die, absolutely terrible, waste of a fantastic cast.
It got so up its own arse with all its clumsy 4th wall breaking, self referential, too cool to bother trying attitude it absolutely was terrible and cringeworthy.
You know what a ****** GREAT movie could have been?
Danny Glover, Bill Murray and Steve Buscemi that were all totally wasted in this movie all teaming up to fight off zombies in a movie played 100% straight by all, with a John Carpenter style 1980's action movie formula, no longer than 90 minutes. Would have been hilarious and a lot more entertaining. Playing it straight in a crazy scenario is often a lot funnier than trying to be too smart like this movie did. Think how much better They Live is than this is for the whole cast playing it straight.
Glover, Buscemi and Murray alone would have nailed that, could have been an amazing, older guy action zombie movie with all the trimmings.
A lot better than what we got. And is just me or is Bill Murray also a lot better playing it straight than in these self consciously arty movies?
I like him a lot better blowing up gophers in Caddy Shack or being a cad in Ghostbusters and Scrooged than any of his arty style movies.
Within 1 minute they break the 4th wall taking about that damn country singer.
"It's the theme tune"
I knew it would be bad then, 30 mins in fast forwarded most of the remainder, likely would have left the cinema at that point too.
Saw some cringy stuff with Tilda Swinton pretending to be a ninja, it's got that kind of arty, but not intelligently written vibe to it.