What film did you watch last night?

Watched the first Fear Street last night, don't really see the comparisons to Stranger Things (other than a couple of the actors) or Buffy?!? It was ok, it did enough for me to watch the rest I think. The pacing was a little odd to me. Also I swear they were trying to cram as many alternative hits from the 90's into it as possible. It felt like the first 15 mins had about ten tracks!

Agree entirely. If you can buy into the camp, Buffy is a truly brilliant show. Writing matures as the show goes on and it completely grows into itself.

Stranger Things manages to balance it's tone better then any show of it's kind and despite it feeling imitative at times, the pacing completely overrides it. Can't say that's true of the third season but hey ho, nothings perfect...

All three FS films (maybe not so much the third one) just feel underwritten and derivative. When it starts to have fun with itself it tries to straighten out and goes all po-faced again. I'd say they're "OK for what they are" but they're really not.

I did enjoy aspects of the third one however. The change in setting helped re-establish the tone and I think the actors responded to it really well. Shame all that disappeared half way through to give way to a meandering conclusion. It should have been a 3 hour mini series imo.
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^^ Indeed. Such an interesting blend of characters.

Collateral. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369339/?ref_=nm_flmg_prd_15

I've seen this a couple of times before, maybe more, but it still grabs me from start to end.

It's one of Cruise's finest performances, IMO. Some great music in it as well.

Produced by the great Michael Mann. :cool:

Absolutely love that movie. Seen it a few times too. This is my favourite track from it:
Jamie Foxx was also brillaint, he seems to get type cast as irritating chracters these days, hard to remember his role in Collateral. Whole soundtrack is great too. Not seen it for a while, must re-watch :)
I watched the second Fear Street (1978) which I think potentially improved on the first but still didn't grab me, from what I read the third is the best so will probably watch it.

As said by @DrToffnar a mini series would have been more appropriate.
Watched the first Fear Street last night, don't really see the comparisons to Stranger Things (other than a couple of the actors) or Buffy?!?

It appears to be the in thing at the moment to compare a film with another, however tenuous. It's got guns in - it's like John Wick; it has Liam Neeson in - it's like Taken. It's all quite tedious really.
It appears to be the in thing at the moment to compare a film with another, however tenuous. It's got guns in - it's like John Wick; it has Liam Neeson in - it's like Taken. It's all quite tedious really.

I wouldn't call it an 'in thing'...it's been happening since at least the 80's/90's when i was at school, natural to compare like for like, or perceived like.

I made a throwaway comment that the Fear Street trailer looked like 'Stranger Things Lite Horror'...I got a strong ST vibe and feel from the trailer, kids in peril, kids saving the day, 70's/90's 'cool' throwback references, two familiar faces from ST probably didn't help either :D
Watched the first Fear Street last night, don't really see the comparisons to Stranger Things (other than a couple of the actors) or Buffy?!? It was ok, it did enough for me to watch the rest I think. The pacing was a little odd to me. Also I swear they were trying to cram as many alternative hits from the 90's into it as possible. It felt like the first 15 mins had about ten tracks!

I think the comparisons with Stranger Things stem from it being teens in a shopping mall
there is a fight against the big baddie at the end of the trilogy which all takes place in the shopping mall and its very much got a similar vibe to the stranger things fight against the big baddie in the shopping mall
@TurtleTwo :D

I actually considered rewatching it once it had finished. I'd forgotten just how good it is.

Ending scene on the train is great, how Vincent normally shoots his targets, using the Mozambique Drill. Two In the chest and one In the head. You can see where he hit the train carriage doors in that order, tightly grouped. That is effectively what got him killed, as Max just randomly fired.
Also when Vincent is dying and he says to Max "would anyone care if they found a dead man on the subway?" This was Vincent trying to convey the pointlessness of life.

Brilliant film. Tom should play the villain more in movies, Oscar worthy in Collateral imo.
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Ending scene on the train is great, how Vincent normally shoots his targets, using the Mozambique Drill. Two In the chest and one In the head. You can see where he hit the train carriage doors in that order, tightly grouped. That is effectively what got him killed, as Max just randomly fired.
Also when Vincent is dying and he says to Max "would anyone care if they found a dead man on the subway?" This was Vincent trying to convey the pointlessness of life.

Brilliant film. Tom should play the villain more in movies, Oscar worthy in Collateral imo.

Tom Cruise used to alternate "serious" films (Eyes Wide Shut, Vanilla Sky, Jerry Magure, Colour Of Money, Born on The Fourth Of July, The Firm, Last Samuri, Rain Man, Collateral, etc) with more popcorn movies (Top Gun, Days Of Thunder, Legend, Risky Business, The Mummy, Edge Of Tomorrow, etc), but now he seems to be stuck mostly in the Mission Impossible franchise. I wish he'd go back to every so often making a great character driven movie that doesn't need car chases, special/visual FX and shootouts. Based on his earlier output, it feels like we're missing out on some great films that he's not making.
Tom Cruise used to alternate "serious" films (Eyes Wide Shut, Vanilla Sky, Jerry Magure, Colour Of Money, Born on The Fourth Of July, The Firm, Last Samuri, Rain Man, Collateral, etc) with more popcorn movies (Top Gun, Days Of Thunder, Legend, Risky Business, The Mummy, Edge Of Tomorrow, etc), but now he seems to be stuck mostly in the Mission Impossible franchise. I wish he'd go back to every so often making a great character driven movie that doesn't need car chases, special/visual FX and shootouts. Based on his earlier output, it feels like we're missing out on some great films that he's not making.

Bill and Ted Face the Music

The trilogy ending instalment of the iconic movies of the late 80s/early 90s delivers a masterclass in returning to your source material and hitting all the right notes. Despite committing the cardinal sin of a sequel, it's an absolute joy: funny, nonsensical, and nostalgic in all the right ways. It knows when to recycle the old movies, when to remix, and when to give a knowing wink. The two actresses playing the daughters of Bill and Ted are absolutely perfectly cast and deliver scene stealing performances with an awkward dance move from the back of a crowd. All that, and unlike so many modern movies, it knows not to outstay its welcome and wraps up in a refreshing hour and a half.

If you have a nostalgic place in your heart for the old movies, then it's a clear 9/10. If you don't, then it's still a thoroughly fun romp 7/10.
Ford Vs Ferrari... Really enjoyed Damon and Bale together and some heartwarming scenes to make you smile. Loved that it was actually about Shelby and Miles as opposed to any great Motorsport rivalry. 8/10
Guns Akimbo - 6/10. Started off well, but the main bad guy was a bit pants, also the final battle seemed a bit rushed. Did i watch a cut version?

Nova scrawled "roof" and then more marks up the stairwell etc. Harry P sees the "roof" marking and the next show we are on the rooftop. Also, HP goes to grab bad guy and throw him off the roof, it looked so bad, especially when you saw HP's height and still looks 12 years old :)

But passed an hour and a bit :)
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