What film did you watch last night?

Pig 7.5/10
When I saw Nic Cage was in this and read the synopsis, I almost passed it over. Really glad I didn't though, what a great movie. Great performances and a gritty story that tugs at the heartstrings.
Traffic (2000).

I’m sure I’d seen bits of it before, but it popped up on local TV so gave it a proper watch. Mega cast. Great film!
Old (2021) - 7/10

A disturbing horror premise which is well portrayed with good effects and relatable fears and concerns.

It could have gone more into the psychological horror than the visual and explained less behind the phenomenon and more about its impact on the characters, but it still remains a bizarre and memorable experience.

The acting is hit and miss with some quite wooden and the camera shots/effects in some scenes are just distracting/annoying.

I felt the big reveal at the end wasn’t that believable and made the film drag a bit.
Fright Night - Classic 80s "lite" horror; although admittedly it scared me half to death when I first watched it as a child.

Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans


A real stinker. Upset the kids and pretty much ruined what was a pretty decent set of animated series. Not sure what they were thinking. This was meant to draw all 3 series plot lines together in an ultimate finale which it spectacularly failed at.

Animation was excellent however.
Blood red sky

Was OK, dragged on a bit I thought. I thought the movie was near over and was surprised to see it still had 45 mins left to run.
Nobody, it's a bit Bob Odenkirk(breaking bad, better call Saul) does John Wick/Taken but it's actually pretty good, he's a good actor and pulls it off well. There is nothing new here but the humour is on point and it's entertaining. Also Christopher Lloyd is in it so gets an extra mark. 8/10
Chernobyl 1986

As most will know, this is not the reasonably faithful retelling of events as per the HBO series.

It's really a Russian made disaster movie. Comparing the two isn't really fair.

3/10 - if you've an interest in Chernobyl then I guess you could say you've at least watched it.

Better than Chernobyl Diaries I guess.
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