What film did you watch last night?

Green Knight 2/10

Must be one of those films you either think are incredible or rubbish. I'm in the latter camp on this one. Really tried to get into it, but failed miserably
A couple of RR movies -

Free Guy a few nights back, really liked it, entertaining enough, lots of comparisons of course with Ready Player One which bored me and by the end was just watching for easter eggs. Also can never go wrong with more Jodie, however Taika Watiti stole the show for me.

Hitmans Wifes Bodyguard last night, only really worth watching for Hayeks assets and potty mouth, didn't click with me at all despite really enjoying the first.
Jungle Cruise - 4/10.

By the numbers tosh from Disney. Really hope this doesn’t spawn a series as it’s no Pirates Of The Caribbean. Dwayne Johnson wooden as ever and certainly no Johnny Depp. Emily Blunt looked embarrassed to be there and I can imagine being on the phone to her agent between takes. And for the life of me can’t understand the 12 certificate. Slapstick violence, no blood, no gore, no swearing and no sex/nudity. Perhaps Disney thought it would hype up the profile vs a PG.
Alien Covenant

Well I liked the aliens and thought they were pretty cool. But it just didn't feel worthy of a prequel to the alien franchise.

Some massive retconning going on in that movie.
If as we are being led to believe, David invented the Alien as we know it, explain the 1000s of years old ship on LV426 not to mention the Aliens brought to Earth by the Predators and stashed in Antarctica.
@Vern1961 don't believe the AVP movies are canon within the Ridley Scott Alienverse. Doesn't make the changes made by Scott in that movie any more favourable, I like it as it's Alien but it's far from being a great movie. If anything it makes you realise Prometheus wasn't entirely awful :D
Honestly the AVP movies did less harm to the Aliens canon than Ridley Scott's last 2 "masterpieces". Two of the dumbest least well thought out additions to canon I can think of... oh wait, how could I forget the sequel trilogy. They're still bad.
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