What film did you watch last night?

Halloween Kills

Ooof. That was poor. Really bad writing, no flow, no suspense. Literally nothing of substance happening for most of the film. Comical rushed ending to wrap it all up.

You weren't wrong. That was brutal, a whole new level of awful. The entire movie was a giant mess of violence and stupidity. Absolutely pointless movie
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Sicario 2: Soldado https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5052474/

I don't have particularly strong feelings either way about the first film and seeing as just about everyone can't praise it enough,
I thought it was about time to try out the second. Well, I'm glad I did and thought it was a pretty solid movie.

I was hoping Benicio Del Toro would make it - quite a jarring scene, before, during, and after.

I like John Brolin and Benicio Del Toro so I may have to rewatch the first sometime.
Sicario 2: Soldado https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5052474/

I don't have particularly strong feelings either way about the first film and seeing as just about everyone can't praise it enough,
I thought it was about time to try out the second. Well, I'm glad I did and thought it was a pretty solid movie.

I was hoping Benicio Del Toro would make it - quite a jarring scene, before, during, and after.

I like John Brolin and Benicio Del Toro so I may have to rewatch the first sometime.

I'm one of those who rates the first highly, much to a lot of folks amusement, it would easily sit in an all time top 25 if I did a list, maybe even a top 10 depending on my mood on the day. Apart from a few slight mis-steps, it's a near perfect movie in my eyes.

The sequel was adequate but for me it was never going to match Denis Villenueve directing, Roger Deakins cinematography and Jóhann Jóhannsson's soundtrack on the first.
F9 / Fast and Furious 9


Yes, the films have got more and more ridiculous over the years but I've always been able to look past that as they've always been an entertaining watch if not very mentally stimulating.

Yet, this one was lacking. I can't place my finger on exactly what it was, but terrible acting, bad lines, **** fight scenes with obvious missed punches, etc or just the general lack of feeling in the film but it was without a doubt, a terrible film.
Old - 7/10 - the latest brainbender from shyamlamadingdong. Kept me guessing all the way through, some good effects, a semi-decent payoff, nothing ground breaking but entertaining enough.

Troy - 6/10 - after chatting with a mate who rates it highly the other week, I had the urge to rewatch. I remember being underwhelmed on release and not a lot has changed. I found the shaky cam action frustrating, the dialogue for most of the cast was phoned in, I just found it a bit dull overall.
Watched a bit of The Kitchen on Prime but turned it off after a while.

Seemed a little cheesy to me. I guess it was okay but didn't hold my attention for that long.

I gave it a go because most of what I've seen Elisabeth Moss in has been rather good.
Venom - 6/10

It's been on so many times I finally resigned myself to watching it properly. Was better than I was expecting. In fairness, it wasn't that much worse than your typical Marvel offering. Esp the Spiderman outings which tend to be the weakest of the line-up. Venom was certainly better than the last Spidey film I watched which was basically "Young Ironman", and was completely crap (think that was "Homecoming" - dire).
Halloween Kills - didn't finish and I rarely switch off a movie, i've got a high tolerance for average horror but this had nothing good going for it.

I just can't figure out what they were going for, the 2018 sequel was well done and in the same spirit as the first Halloween, it paid homage while doing it's own unique twist on the story.

Kills was worse than Rob Zombies sequel and that was a trainwreck.
Joker https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7286456/

My second viewing and it didn't disappoint. Great choice for the main character.

At times, I find his laughing disturbing, slightly amusing, and even a bit irritating,
though, I guess that ties in well with the development of the character/backstory.

Quite the sad story on a number of levels.
The Suicide Squad (2021)

Trying to be a mixture of Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy. It worked a few times and the film started well enough, but dropped off in the middle and the end was so so.

No Time To Die
Reasonable entertainment if you just want action for a few hours and don't mind the poor story and plot holes.
I'm one of those who rates the first highly, much to a lot of folks amusement, it would easily sit in an all time top 25 if I did a list, maybe even a top 10 depending on my mood on the day. Apart from a few slight mis-steps, it's a near perfect movie in my eyes.

The sequel was adequate but for me it was never going to match Denis Villenueve directing, Roger Deakins cinematography and Jóhann Jóhannsson's soundtrack on the first.
I've just recently watched both and definitely agree, the 2nd didn't scale the heights of the first. Brolin and Del Toro were great though Emily Blunt was equally as compelling and I somewhat missed a balancing character of her ilk in the 2nd installment.
The Green Knight - best film of the year in my opinion, sublime in so many ways. A 9/10 for me but equally I absolutely understand why many didn't take to it and hence its mediocre rating on IMDB.
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